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Dream walked through the woods towards the river. He would be running, but he was already out of breath from running through the neighborhood and meadow. Why was he running? He had been late to getting to the river by 20 minutes, and he didn't want George to leave thinking Dream wouldn't show up for some reason.

The trees provided little shade against the hot, burning sun. It was a bit of his fault for sweating so much, though, as he was wearing jeans and had been running. In fact, his whole outfit choice for the day was bad, black-ripped jeans, green high-top converse, a black sleeveless turtleneck, and a green jacket, which was now at his elbows. Yeah, too many layers.

By the time he got to the river, he was probably 30 minutes late. He wasn't sure. He didn't bring his phone.

"Where were you? You're so late," He heard an annoyed voice, tell him as soon as emerge from the forest of trees. He turned to see George standing by a tree, arms crossed and a pout on his face. He wore a light blue shirt with a white collar, blue jeans, red converse, and white-rimmed sunglasses on the top of his head. Though simple, George still managed to make it look cute. Sometimes, Dream wondered how he hadn't spilled out all his feelings yet.

"I just slept in. Why were you getting worried," Dream teased. That's when Dream realized George wasn't paying attention. He just stood blankly, maybe lost in thought. What was he thinking about?


Dream looked hot. Insanely hot. George was close to passing out right then and there.

In the 7 years George had known Dream, he'd never seen the shirt or jacket he was wearing, much less the entire outfit. And, of course, he had to wear it while George was trying to fight away his feelings for him.

George saw Dream's lips move, he knew he said something, but was too zoned out and dazed to hear what he said. However, he did see how his blonde curls move a bit over his left eye when he tipped his head, making George panic more.

He collected himself, however, and managed to spit out, "Sorry, uh...what'd you say? I zoned out."

Dream chuckled a bit at this, before replying, "It's nothing, let's go over to the rocks."


Both of their shoes and socks were over by a rock on the shore as to not get wet. Today, Dream had somehow convinced him to go on the stepping rocks. Actually, George knew exactly how he convinced him.

That stupid outfit.

He immediately regretted buying into his looks, fearful of the rushing water beneath him. Dream was facing backwards towards George, only turning back around to step on another stone.

"See, it's really not that bad," Dream commented.

"Easy for you to say," George replied, looking at the river. "You walk on these rocks all the time."

"Just don't look at the water as much and maintain your balance."

Turning back around, Dream steps on another stone simply.

As to follow his lead, George steps onto the next rock forward, first stabilizing his right, then going to put his left foot on. As he does though, it slips causing George to let out a squeak or yell of some sorts, as he falls to his left side. He closes his eyes bracing for impact against the water, ready to fall in, but he doesn't.

He stops mid-fall.

Peaking his eyes open he notices Dream's face just a few inches away from his, holding George in some sort of dip position. Dream's hands were holding both of George's wrists. His right leg was on the rock he had stepped so simply on earlier, his left on the one George was supposed to be standing on. George's right leg stood on the same rock, but his left leg was lifted into the air in between Dream's legs. Dream had a worried look on his face. He could feel his breath against his face. Dream and him stared in each other's eyes for a bit.

Bittersweet // DreamnotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now