Tommy's Party

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Mentions of Alcohol// Drinking

Dream pulled up to George's house around 8:40 PM. He wore the outfit George had told him he should wear more, the black sleeve-less turtleneck, green jacket, green converse, and black ripped jeans. He was a bit nervous about the outfit, and the party, but he went through with it anyway. He sat in his car and texted George that he was there. A few minutes later, George popped out his front door.

He wore a white jacket with black straps wrapped around or hanging off it. Paired with that was a blue shirt, black jeans, blue converse, and white-rimmed sunglasses. The only thing Dream couldn't recall George having was the jacket.

He said bye to his mom and sister behind his shoulder before getting into the passenger seat beside Dream. Dream smiled a small greeting before starting the drive over to Wilbur's.

"I've never seen that jacket before," Dream commented.

"I have never been confident enough to wear it."

"But you're going to a party now so you have to be more confident, huh?"

"Well, no, I just figured I should wear it at some point."

Dream chuckled. "It looks nice."

There was a bit of silence before George commented on Dream's outfit.

"I see you decided to take my words of advice?"

"Well, I didn't wear it because of what you said."

"Yeah, sure, you defiantly didn't want to impress me."

Dream scoffed. "Look who's talking."

They soon pulled up to Wilbur's house which had people scattered all over, with more sure to come. Wilbur's house looked the same as almost all the others in the neighborhood, having no distinction other than the address. Dream hated how basic they made every house; they looked to have been copied and pasted with slight differences, like things in the yard or the color of their mailbox. Did the builders not have any creativity?

Dream parked the car just a bit further down the street before getting out with George and walking up to the house's front door. People already seemed to be getting drunk, just by the looks of the red solo cups and the movements of most people. Dream and George entered the house to be met with more people there then there were outside. Loud music blasted from speakers, which was so loud Dream could faintly hear it down the street.

"Where do we go," George asked in front of Dream, barely being heard due to the music.

"I guess anywhere we want," Dream replied practically yelling. "I'm going to find Sapnap since he's supposed to be here. Are you coming with?"

George shook his head and went in the direction of, supposedly the kitchen, but Dream couldn't tell from the amount of people in the way. His height didn't seem to be an advantage in this situation. He walked in a different direction then George to try and find Sapnap, hoping he wasn't already intoxicated. Before he could find him though, he stumbled into Tommy, the host of this party. He looked up at Dream, a smile forming on his face.

"Hey Dream, you actually decided to show," he yelled, full of energy. This energy wasn't from drinking, it was just Tommy's usual loud self, Dream could tell.

"Heh, yeah," Dream chuckled nervously. "I wouldn't have wanted to miss it!"

"Where's George? Aren't you two always next to each other?"

"I'm not sure, he just went in a random direction. I assume the kitchen, though. Where's Wilbur, pouting in his room?"

"Nope, he's around somewhere! Not too happy about the situation, though, wouldn't recommend saying anything that could possibly make him angrier. Oh, and that friend of yours that I said would be here, Snapmap? He's here but he was too hyped up for me to say anything to him," the blonde smiled, showing his braces. "Good luck with him! I'll be around if anything gets too bad!"

And just like that he skipped off, his red and white hoodie vanishing into the crowd of people, probably going to talk to Tubbo, his best friend. Well, at least he knew Sapnap was here, where he actually was though, Dream was unsure. He decided on walking around aimlessly into he ran into someone familiar for a better lead.

Tommy was right whenever he said Dream would recognize a few people there. He saw Niki and Tubbo but he also saw some others he didn't list like Alex (or Quackity as he liked to go by) and Eret. Dream wasn't surprised at seeing the familiar faces at a party despite most of them not being 'party people'. It was Tommy's party, after all, of course all their friends would be there.

Dream stumbled along the house for a while longer, bumping into people and apologizing every now and then, before noticing Wilbur leaning against a wall, looking rather unpleased, just as Tommy had said he was. His arms were crossed and he looked around the room before his eyes landed on Dream. He took this as a sign to walk over and talk to him.

"Oh, you're here too," Wilbur said, once Dream was close enough to hear him.

"Yeah, well, last party of the summer, couldn't miss it!"

"Probably your first and last, since you always seem too busy with George."

Dream scoffs. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Whatever you want it to," he replies, continuing to look around the room in annoyance. "Did you bring anyone else? I saw Sapnap but it seems like he brought you more than you brought him."

"I didn't bring Sapnap, he brought himself, but I got George to come. Speaking of Sapnap, do you know where he is? I've been looking everywhere for him."

"Uh, yeah he went over there," Wilbur replies pointing to the right down a hallway. "Also, you brought another person when I didn't even want a party? Not cool."

Dream chuckles, going in the direction Wilbur pointed. "Oh, come on. George isn't a drinker; he won't do anything bad."

Dream opens two of the doors in the hallway, which had no one in them (luckily) before finding a room with a circle of people sitting down, seeming to be playing Truth or Dare. Amongst those people, Dream notices a familiar raven-haired person. He was already drunk; Dream could tell just from his friend's posture and how his words were slurred. At least he wasn't doing anything crazy. For now. Dream walked over to Sapnap and sat down behind him, to indicate he wasn't there to play, just talk.

"Heyyyy, Dream," Sapnap greeted, dragging out the 'hey'.

"Hey, Sapnap," Dream greeted back. Dream knew what Sapnap was like drunk too well. All you had to do is talk to him like how you talk to a toddler: agree and go along with anything he says. Some would say that's what you do for anyone that's drunk, but Dream knows better than that.

"Playing Truth or Dare," Dream asked, observing the situation.

"Yeah man, it's great! I've been dared to kiss TWO people," Sapnap replied, putting emphasis on the word 'two' and slurring his words. Dream shook his head, chuckling.

"Who did you kiss?"

"Some girl named Aisha and Karlll."


"Yeah, he's oddly good at kissing, I think I caught him off-guard though."

Dream laughed, trying to keep in a wheeze, not at the thought of Sapnap and Karl kissing, but more the thought of Karl's face when Sapnap kissed him and Sapnap's face tomorrow when Dream tells him he kissed his crush.

"Well, uh, George is here so I think I'll go find him. You have a good time," Dream got up, heading over to the door.

"Oookay, do everyone a favor and go make-out with George, please," Sapnap slurred. Dream's face grew pink but he laughed it off and left the room. He passed by Wilbur and wondered around aimlessly again, before stumbling upon the kitchen.

Karl and Niki were both there, Niki obviously being a mental supporter for Karl. Karl's face was hidden by both his hands, but Dream could see parts of face that were mad red. And it didn't seem to be from the lighting. Karl also seemed to have a lot on his mind and was just spilling it out onto Niki, who patiently listened. If Dream hadn't talked to Sapnap, he would be extremely confused.

Seeing as George wasn't in the kitchen, Dream continued to walk around aimlessly, hoping he would find George at some point.

Kinda nervous to write the next chapter, so much is going to happen soon! Hope you've been enjoying the story so far!

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