Part 9- Prince Charming

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The coffee project was not as busy as it was yesterday, maybe because it was a Sunday.

"Should we sit at our table?" Lin asked

I nodded. He said our table, we had a table.

Lin stood patiently waiting for our coffees, chatting up the baristas who gushed about Hamilton.

When I sat down, I couldn't help but stare at that corner table.

In my mind I replayed the helpless feelings that had overcame me and the break down that had ensued. I shook my head trying not to think about it.

"Vanilla latte for my beautiful lady" He smiled setting the cup in front of me.

He knew how to make my cheeks burn red, I smiled at him. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"So, what is the plan for the kiddos today?" He asked

"uhhh... one moment" I said getting up with my phone. I hadn't figured out how I was going to tell my sister about Lin. She wouldn't approve me just bringing a stranger into her house, even though I was more than sure she wouldn't mind once she knew who it was but then that would cause for interrogation and I wasn't up for that today.

"Hello, where are you? I called Jules when you hadn't answered this morning and she said you weren't home"

"yeah, I stayed with an old friend. Which I had meant to ask you. How about I take the girls out today? Bring them to the city and take them over to the park" I asked

"uhh, I don't know. They have everything you would need here" she sounded worried

"Claire come on, you never let them come to see me. They like the city and I'll keep them safe" I said

It was silent on the other line and then she said "I know you'll keep them safe, I don't doubt that but I don't trust people. But okay it's fine"

"Thank you, I'll see you in a bit," I said excitedly

When I got back in, Lin sat there smiling at me "Is everything alright?" he asked

I nodded "Yes, I was actually thinking about bringing the girls into the city today. Taking them into central park"

Lin's smile grew wider "that sounds like a great idea"

I asked Lin to wait in the taxi as I got the girls, I was happy my sister didn't get too suspicious and try to crane her neck to see if anyone else was in the car.

"We are going be down in the city tonight, maybe we can swing by and get the girls after. We won't be far" she said

"I thought you two were doing couples game night with the Smiths," I say confused

She giggles and then shows me two tickets to Hamilton, my eyes widened "Mark and Greer have been hiding this surprise from me and Stacey. I am so excited! Maybe we will even get to meet Lin-Manuel Miranda" she squealed

I laughed trying to get out of there quickly "Well have fun" I said

"I'll let you know how it goes" she called out

I nodded my head, grabbing both of my niece's hands.

When we get into the car, the girls are hesitant to sit next to Lin but when I tell them this is my friend. They happily introduce themselves

"Hi, I'm Jackson and this is my little sister Lennon. What is your name?"
I smile at Lin who politely shakes their hands

"Those are beautiful names; my name is Lin"

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