Part 4- Little Black Dress

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"Welcome to my humble abode," I say

My apartment wasn't at all the size of his, but it made for a comfortable living.

"I'm loving the artwork on the walls" Lin complimented

I smiled at him "it's my best friend/roommates" I say

He raises an eyebrow "these are really good"

I nod "She's wicked talented"

He agrees

"I'll be quick okay?' I say leaving him in awe of the artwork while I went into my room to change.

Just then I hear the door burst open and Jules yells "Char are you home!? Santiago said he saw Lin Manuel Miranda walk into our apartment building can you believe that?"

It was unclear to me how she didn't see a whole person standing in our living room, but Jules sometimes failed to see things.

I stand in my doorway staring at her. "what were you saying?" I asked

"Santiago on first said he saw Lin Manuel Miranda walk into our apartment building, I told him he needs to quit with the smoking" she laughed, then she caught glimpse of me

"Damn! I take it the date went well?" she asks giving me a sultry look.

I stood there in a black dress that hugged my body in all the right places. It's true everyone woman should have one. It sat at the back of my closet waiting for the right occasion and tonight seemed perfect for it.

"Wow," Lin says.

My eyes meet his and he's staring at me like I'm a shiny new toy.

Jules jumps back when she hears his voice.

"What the!" She yells

I start to laugh and immediately Lin and my gaze is broken as he goes to introduce himself.

"Why is he here? What?" Jules says confused then stops herself "I'm sorry that was rude of me. Hi, I know who you are. Im Jules but why are you here? You're here with her?"

Me and Lin laugh as I tell her "Jules calm down"

"I'll be happy to answer all of those questions, yes I am with here with Charley and then to answer why am I here...same answer to the other question" Lin responds

Jules looks like she had seen a ghost, her face was pale. We all stand in silence for a few mins. When some color starts to come back into her cheeks and then she takes a deep breath and as calmly as she can, says "can I please have an explanation? "

I nod and quickly take the seat next to here. Grabbing her hand.

It takes me 10 minutes to give her the gist of what had happened.

She looks at me and then at Lin but then back to me

"Wait Charles stood you up?" She asked

I nodded. She rolled her eyes "pst! You two would have been confusing anyway Charles and Charley"

We both laughed

"Wait the guy's name was Charles?" Lin chimed in

When I thought about it, it was kind of weird. We all laughed but then she looked at Lin. "And you took care of her?"

He shyly smiled.

"He did, he was a complete gentleman," I say

Jules smiles at him and then whacks my shoulder "you didn't know who he was till you were in his apartment" she burst out laughing

My cheeks were flushed with embarrassment again. "Hey, I was stood up!" I yelled

She put on a straight face or as straight as it could get and said sorry.

"Wait why were you in his apartment?" She raised an eyebrow. I got up and walked towards Lin who was also avoiding eye contact.

Jules teases both of us but then smiled

"This will be a story to look back on one day," she said.

We agreed on that.

I went to finish getting ready while Lin asked Jules about her artwork, I heard him invite her to the show tonight but her newest boyfriend was coming over and she intended on "making a lot of art" if you know what I mean.

It made my heart melt that my best friend and currently the guy "I was seeing" ... I guess appropriately that was okay to say for now, was getting along. Jules never liked any of my boyfriends and I couldn't blame her, I attracted men who took advantage of me.

"Ready?" I asked

Lin nodded "you are gorgeous" he whispers to me. I blush and say thank you.

"You two are adorable!" Jules said all giddy "also feel free to keep her for the night" I shot a glance at Jules. Who held up both thumbs and a huge smile.

Lin looked at me "I will take good care of her".

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