Part 6- Act I & II

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Lin was almost fully dressed before he told me we should head up to the box.

He took my hand, and I couldn't quite remember how we got there, I was too busy looking at him and how sexy he looked in his Alexander Hamilton get up.

"Are you sure you will be fine?" He asked

I nodded. I was extremely excited to see the show and now the best part was to be able to see him in it.

"I'll make my way up here at intermission"

"I'll be fine" I smiled at him. He leaned in to hold me, our foreheads meeting

"Charley you are amazing, do you know that?"

I laughed and before I could say anything, he pressed his lips to mine. I was expecting a small kiss but when he parted my lips with his tongue, I realized it was going to be a much longer one. His hands got tangled into my hair and for a second I thought he was going to throw me down on the ground but then he straightened up and got ahold of himself.

Holding onto his shirt and biting my lips I'm finally able to gain full composure as well.

We both laugh and he kisses me one more time.

"I hope you enjoy the show" he tells me, I smile at him and then he leaves.

The box contained three seats which were a nice red velvet color. I put my hands to it, Oh! real velvet? Anyway. I sat at the furthest seat, it seemed to have been the best way to get as much of the show as possible.

It was maybe 30 minutes before the show started and the theater was already filled, I could see the people in the box next to me, I tried not to look again but I was pretty sure busta rhymes was there.

Just then the lights dimmed low. Had it been 30 mins already? Ladies and Gentlemen this is your king, George the III Welcome to Hamilton echoed throughout the theater, suddenly I perked up and was just itching with eagerness thank you and enjoy my show the crowd laughed and then the music played.

Leslie came on the stage to start How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman. There was so much going on already and everything was so good. I found myself bobbing to the music and then there he was.

Alexander Hamilton, my name is Alexander Hamilton and there's a million things I haven't done just you wait, just you wait. I wasn't sure if he looked up to the box, but it did look like it. A feeling of elation came through me watching the show, it was only the first number and I felt like I had missed a lot of things. There were so many moving parts and for a moment my eyes just weren't on Lin, it wasn't till he went down in that deep voice singing Just you wait, just you wait, just you wait now when I tell you I felt every tingle in my body from head to my tippy toes, I really did. I wonder if it would be okay for him to do that part for me. I giggle to myself then hurriedly back to focus.

Now, I could do a full-on play by play of the show but sometimes it's just fair to leave some mysteries especially for those who haven't seen it. But a small recap of my emotions, my mouth was open the entire show even when I caught myself and closed it, I would find it open again. I jammed with the Schuyler sisters, all three of them beautiful as can be, I was in absolute awe at every cast members voices and Groff as King George, oh my gosh! that was pure genius!

Now there's one part that had me obsessed during the first half and I will talk about this. Two songs that were completely different fused together. Looking at the playbill Rene Elise Goldsberry who played Angelica Schuyler killed the song satisfied and now I only had one goal, and that was to learn this song.

By Intermission I had goosebumps especially at the end of act 1, the fusing of the songs. Can I say I was obsessed? Someone press the rewind button for me.

Just then I felt someone cradled their arms around me

"Hi" I heard his sweet voice.

"Hi" I was back to feeling like that girl who had realized who he was back in his apartment earlier today. It was definitely surreal, especially now have just seen him perform and the fact that this was his creation had me overwhelmed again but I had to quickly suppress that. I grabbed his face

"Wow" I said

He smiled "You like it?"

I was almost offended that he even asked, there shouldn't be anyone who didn't.

"Are you crazy I love it! There's so much detail going on I'm pretty sure I'm missing things" I say

He laughs "Yeah I'm sure, Tommy and Andy had really out done themselves for this production but that just means you have to come and see it again"

When he said that I felt lucky and guilty altogether, I wanted to pay to see it. It was worth every penny.

He looked at me "I'm glad you're liking it" He says

I smile at him "I think Busta Rhymes is sitting in the box next me"

He laughs "I wouldn't doubt it, he's come to see it twice already, he's a fan and I'm still mind blown about that"

"You better go, 30 minutes moves by fast"

He smiles "Won't be long till I see you again"

I kiss him "Wait, you're telling me this has to end?" we both laugh

Act II starts, and my feelings are everywhere. I forget that Lin is Lin and I'm just so invested in him as Alexander. This act has me feeling like I'm on a wild roller coaster. By the end of Quiet uptown, I'm sobbing uncontrollably. The rest of the play goes by so quick that the next thing I knew I was standing up with the rest of the theater, roars of applause and cheering. I was in love; wait I was obsessed everything about this was more than I could have ever imagined.

I just sat there recounting what I had just watched and suddenly that feeling came over me again. Girls like me don't just fall into the hands of Lin Manuel Miranda, what was I doing? I'm not going to lie but I scared myself again and I got up to flee.

"Well, isn't it the most beautiful girl in the theater"

Of course, he would come right now

I turned around and he had his hair down and a wife beater on and my heart started to race.

"Don't you have better things to do than to rush up here to me?" I ask

He shakes his head "I lost too much time with you already"

I shly turned away from him smiling

He grabbed my hand "I'm just going to get my coat back on and we can head out of here okay?" he asked

I nodded.

We went backstage to his dressing room, where I was introduced to Daveed, Phillipa, Rene, Anthony, Jasmine, Jon, Alex, Ariana, Sasha, Thayne and Mr. George Washington himself, Chris Jackson. Everyone was so nice, and they all greeted me with a hug. These people were like his family I'm sure, which kind of had me thinking about what they thought. Yesterday I didn't exist to any of these people now I'm here with Lin. Maybe he does this often... I shook my head; He didn't seem that type, but it still made me wonder. Who did he tell them I was?

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