Part 11- I am not throwin' away my shot

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He told me we could talk about it more this week, it wasn't something that needed an answer right away and with that he had no problem falling asleep.

Me on the other hand, tossed and turned all night. I barely remember getting any sleep before the sun was fully up.

Around 7am, I felt him sit up and kiss my shoulder. I pretended that I was still asleep and when he kissed up my neck, my cheek and then my lips. I finally opened my eyes slowly

"I'm sorry to wake you, but I have to head home. I'll call you later?" he said

I acted like I was too sleepy to comprehend, I faked a yawn and then nodded.

He kissed me again "I'll miss you" he said

"I love you too" slipped out of my mouth

My body froze, I could feel the lump in my throat grow bigger and all of a sudden it was hard to breathe. I was still pretending like I was half asleep maybe he would forget, and I could blame it on the sleepiness. I kept my eyes closed until I felt his weight shift off of the bed. He kissed my forehead and then I heard the door close. I waited a few minutes before turning around to see if he had really gone.

I took a deep breath. "Holy fuck" I said bringing my hands up to my head

I didn't feel so good, I grabbed my robe and hoped that Jules had started a pot of coffee and with luck, she had. She stood in the kitchen sipping on her coffee and smiling at her phone.

"good morning" I said groggily

She looked up at me "someone needs coffee" she said

I nodded plotting my butt down on the couch, or should I say paint "ughhhhh"

I hear Jules laughing "I guess the mess didn't get cleaned last night"

I finally was able to see the living room and the mess we had made yesterday and wow, was it a lot of paint

"I'm calling out of work" I say

Jules hands me a cup of coffee "rough night?" she lifted an eyebrow

"thank you" I grabbed the coffee "I barely got any sleep" I say

She finds a spot not covered in paint and sits "I hear you, sometimes you need a day to yourself"

"He got a part in a movie; they will be filming in London" I say

Her eyes grow big "good for him but what does that mean for you two?"

"He asked me to go with him" I say

Sipping her coffee, I can tell she tries not to spit it out "go with him? And quit your job?"

I nod my head "I know, I'm not saying that I was thinking about it. We haven't really talked details but it's crazy right? Quit my job? I have bills to pay! It's crazy. Yeah, it's crazy, he's crazy"

Jules didn't say much but then she laughed "was the sex that good?"

I shook my head at her "shut up!"

She then shrugged "Just see what he has to say, I'm not saying that your gorgeous rich boyfriend should take care of you, but I mean London? Gorgeous boyfriend, sex in London, sexy London"

I shake my head at her again "what is wrong with you?" I laugh

"I've never seen you this happy, even in your best relationships. I think it's worth seeing through" Jules smiled at me about to get up

"wait, Jules even if I did go that would mean I would have no job and there's still bills that need to get paid here"

She smiles "it's not like I'd be in bad shape...I meant to talk to you about this Saturday but then ya know? Lin happened"

My face turns confused.

"It's been going really good with Noah and he's about to be out of a place for a few months and if you do go. Our third roommate would solve that problem" she smiles really big at me

I scratch my head, thinking about all the things I need to process. I mean I wasn't opposed to her boyfriend living here. I liked Noah.

I just smiled at her "I'm happy to invite Noah into our apartment" I say

She jumps up and down and runs to hug me "you're the best, but seriously Char. You deserve the adventure"

**A week later**

With me back at work and Lin doing Hamilton, the time never felt right to discus and whenever we met up for lunch or dinner, I continue to talk about anything that won't trigger London, I just wasn't ready to talk about it yet.

When Saturday rolled around, he found himself with a day off, and I knew I couldn't run from the conversation today. But before I could head over, I told him I had to help my sister with some things.

Claire was outside tending to some things she had on her little stoop

"oh hey! What a surprise" she called out as I walked up

I smiled and when I did, she said "what's wrong?"

I shrugged, but when she gave me that stare, I knew there was no way of running away from it.

"He's going to London" I say

"Hamilton is going to London?" she asked

I shook my head "No, he got a part in a movie. Which is amazing"

She looked at me with confusion "are we not happy for him? Oh... well he will be back. How long will he be gone?"

I shrugged "not sure but he asked me to go"

I was expecting her to gasp or give me a crazy look, but she was calm and this scared me more than anything

"umm, nothing to say?" I ask

She laughs "I knew you were expecting something wild to come out of my mouth"

I nod "Uh yeah!"

She laughs again "Charley, I'm your big sister so yes naturally I would have something crazy to say but you're an adult and I don't think I seen you as happy as you were the other night at dinner. I know you said you two had just met but if you asked a stranger even, they would say, it looks like you two had been at it for years. And I think you forget about me and Mark"

She brought her head to bump with mine "the Beatles cover band concert was it for us, two weeks later we were moved in, a month later married, and then a year later we had Jackson. You can't tell me that love has a time frame, I'm proof that you move as fast as you feel. And you love him, right?"

Before I could even answer she said "mmhm, I knew it. So, get out of here. I don't want you mopping around. I think you already know your answer"

I smiled and hugged her "My job though..."

She put her finger to my mouth "ah, you hate your job anyway"

She wasn't right or wrong, I didn't hate my job, but I could be happier doing something else.

I hugged her again and told her to kiss the girls for me.

"Tell Lin he owes the girl a tea party soon"

I smiled at her and waved as I walked off.

I was greeted with such a big kiss

"Oh, Hi to you too" I laugh as he held onto me, his head craned into my neck

"I love you too" I hear him say

I lifted my face away from him "what?" I said my hands on his face

"I heard you that morning and I love you too"

My heart was beating so fast and I felt my eyes started to tear up "I..."

And before I could speak he went on "and if you come with me to London or not, I will still love you, if.."


His face confused

Then I said it again "Yes, I will go to London with you" I smiled at him bringing his face closer to mine

Our foreheads connected, we both smiled. 

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