Part 5- Winning the lotto

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When we got on 46th street I could see the Richard Rodgers and Hamilton Marquee,In which I stopped to just stare, taking it all in. Lin quickly turned to look at me lending out a hand "Everything okay?" He asked. I smiled, took his hand and continued to walk. The street was packed with people. It looked like the Ham4Ham show was going on, that's when he picked up the pace and crunched down as we got closer trying not to be seen. He had me stand near a few people and told me to wait here. He crashed the show. I caught a glimpse of the first few fans who noticed him and started to freak out. Finally, everyone realized Lin was there and was going wild.

I watched in absolute awe at how he interacted with everyone. His mood was infectious, and everyone adored him, I mean it wasn't hard.

"Good Luck with the Lotto!" They all yelled, and he quickly ran back to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the door.

"You are amazing," I say to him.

He looks at me, I could see how much he loved what he did. The adrenaline that was pumping through him could be seen. He kissed my cheek and said "I love being out there"

Just then we are greeted by a few of the cast members and I immediately got nervous. My feet shuffled together, and I kept my head down. What would he tell them? Would he even introduce me?

"hey guys this is Charley, she's my guest tonight" He grabs me and brings me forward.

"Charley this is Leslie, he plays Aaron Burr, Groff who plays King George and then the amazing Javier Munoz who you will get to see play Alexander Hamilton"

They all kindly took my hand and kissed it, but it was Groff who pulled me towards him and then gave me a spin. In my head, I was praying that I wouldn't twist an ankle or worse, fall. Luckily, I landed gracefully on both feet. "You my friend are gorgeous" He said to me

I blushed, I had been a big fan of Jonathon's since glee and was trying not to fangirl.

Just then I felt a hand wrap around my waist "Okay hey now..." Lin pulled me towards him and placed a hand on Jonathon's chest pushing him away from me.

"We shall see, one day with me and she will definitely see I am the better choice" we all started laughing.

Obviously, I knew he was gay, but he was definitely charming. Lin whispered to me "Everyone loves Groff, I mean I've questioned myself a few times" Lin laughed. I smiled along with him "I don't blame you"

Lin's face snapped back to me and then smiled "You wouldn't leave me for Groff, right?" He asked. I shook my head kissing him on the lips "Never"

We had a couple hours before the show started. He took me to his dressing room where we had a few moments to ourselves. He told me to make myself comfortable and sat opposite me, He sat there licking his lips and every now and then would bite it.

My face was red, I could feel it burning. "Stop..." I smiled

He shook his head "what?"

"licking your lips, you know what that does to me" I say

He licked it again and then bit them. I quickly locked my legs together and brushed my hands through my hair.

He got up and locked the door. "What are you doing?" I laughed

"You look absolutely delicious and I am hungry" He said staring me down with eyes so dark.

I gulped

He slowly walked back to me his mouth inches away from my neck, I could feel his warm breath.

Were we really going to do it right here? Now?

Before I knew it, his hands were between my legs and up my dress.

"Do I have permission to enter?" he whispered into my ear.

I couldn't help it, his fingers so close to my area... I swallowed and then nodded.

I felt him move my underwear to the side and stick one, then two fingers inside of me.

He moved in and out of me, while kissing my neck. His pace grew faster and my body quivering. "I'm coming" I tried to keep my moans down.

He kissed my lips and gently bit on my bottom lip.

I shook my head at him "you are bad" as he gave me a bad boy grin.

*Vicious Knocks*

I jump up fixing my underwear while Lin hurries to the door, I hear someone asking if they can speak with him.

"I'll be right back okay?" he looks to me

I nod my head.

If that had been a few minutes prior, that would have made for a bad climatic outcome.

As I sit there, I see the wall filled with fan art and letters thanking him for making Hamilton. There is a letter from a woman who said her 10-year-old son looks up to him and aspires to be just like him. I'm smiling like crazy reading all of these heartfelt messages and suddenly I'm just overcome with so much emotion. Have I really found myself a good one?

"Those will get ya" he says

I jump around wiping the tears that started forming, "These are incredible, you are incredible"

"these people are thanking me for my words when they have purely shown that they can move others with theirs as well. I'll sit here reading these and just bawl my eyes out"

He's looking up at the wall of letters and clearly in front of me is a guy who has been perfectly made and the fact that I'm even standing here with him makes me feel like the luckiest person on earth. I was willing to unbelieve the saying, no one is perfect because he truly is.

He then turns to me

"So... good and bad news" He said looking extremely apologetic.

"Hit me" I say thinking that there couldn't be any type of bad news that could ruin the rest of my day.

He grabs my hands "Good news is you're still getting to see the show, bad news is...I can't watch it with you"

I tried not to look so sad, but I guess I failed at that because he went into a frown as well.

He hugged me and before I could ask why he said "Javi, had a family emergency so they asked me to do the show"

My face lit up "Well that's not bad news at all" I say

"I feel bad leaving you up in that box all by yourself"

I shake my head "Are you serious? I get to see you perform; it wouldn't matter if I was in that box with a million people the purpose is to focus on the show not who's around me"

He smiled at me giving me a huge kiss "you're the greatest! I'll walk you up there before the show" 

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