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Chapter 26 // Baby


"Oh my god, love. I-i'm so sorry! I fell asleep at work--"

"Love, stop it. It's okay, I understand you." Jeonghan smiled sweetly when he saw me entering his house.

I smiled at him too before I slowly walked towards his position. I wrapped my arms around his waist as I hugged him tight. "I'm tired..." My low voice manage to say while I buried my face to Jeonghan's chest.

"Is he giving you lots of work?" He asked softly in which I nodded. "My poor, baby. Come on, your favorite food is already served." I pulled away from the hug before he intertwined our hands and lead me to the kitchen.

"Are you still busy at the hospital?" I asked when we both started eating.

"We will be having our comeback on May," Jeonghan said. "Tomorrow might be my last duty again and I'm going back with my members the next day."

He continued making me pout. "So, I won't be able again to see you that much?"

"Are you really that clingy now, my turtle rabbit?" Jeonghan chuckled.  "You know that you can always visit me on our building." He smiled.

Then, our dinner goes on. I volunteered to wash the dishes after and he didn't complain anymore because that's what I always do whenever we're having a dinner.

"Love, your phone is ringing." Jeonghan went inside the kitchen, holding my phone with him.

I closed the sink and dried my hands before I went to him. "Thank you!" I kissed his cheek before going to the living room. I checked who's the caller and it was my brother.

"Oppa! Annyeong!" I greeted.

"Hi, 'lil sis. Mom wants to talk to you."

"Hi my dear, Jisoo."

"Hey, Mom. What is it?" I asked.

"So, when will you and Jeonghan get married?" Mom asked that made my eyes widen.

"Mom! That's not on our plan yet." I said.

"Fine! Just make it fast, I already want a grandchildren. I am not getting any younger, Jisoo-yah." When Mom said that it was exactly Jeonghan appeared in front of me making me blushed.

The fuck, Mom??

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever, mom." I lazily answered. The topic are not that interesting and I don't like it. "I' hang up now, mom. Bye, love you."

After that call, Jeonghan brought me home to my condominium unit. I'm restless but I still have to go work early. "Make sure to message and call me huh? Update me, love." I said on Jeonghan when I entered my unit.

He slightly nodded before smiling weakly.


"Good morning, Jisoo unnie." Sihyeon smiled at me. She was the first one to arrived. The two others are still not here in the front desk.

"Good morning, Sihyeon." I smiled at her even though I'm still sleepy and tired.

"Mr. Kim Seokjin already arrived 10 minutes ago." Sihyeon said that made my eyes widen in shocked.

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