🌶Pegging Crocodile (X Reader)🌶

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{{Fem! Reader, growth potion for reader, pegging Crocodile while cries out for more, etc.

This is like after the 3rd time you pegged him, so if you want the first time, let me know.}}

(2nd) POV

You stretched, completely tired from all your shopping in downtown Rain Base, also stuffed with all the food you ate.

Not to mention that you were so excited to get a growth potion, the old warlock said it should make you 9' 2".

Before you went on your spree Crocodile offered to pay for the things you'd buy, but you rejected, you had made enough money from your job and wanted to spend that.

Recently, you started to see Crocodile less and less, mostly because of your work hours.

You'd see him 20 minutes a day at most. And it pisses him off. What did he have to do to get you to be by him more? Then it hit him. Just the right thing.

As you started heading back to Rain Dinners, you gulped down the potion and recounted all the clothes, jewelry, belts and more that you got, just in case you forgot anything.

You felt yourself began to grow, slowly but surely.

You began to wonder what Crocodile was doing.

(Crocodile) POV

'This is ridiculous' was the only thing I could think of looking in the mirror.

I glared at myself, puffing my cigar harder. I can't even believe I thought this was a good idea. Would this get more attention from (Y/N)? She has been distant. This could do something.

The black, long, tight dress shirt hugged tight to my chest, waist and hips, ending mid thigh. Right in the middle of my chest was a cut out heart, showing more of my pectorals.

Even tighter purple see-through leggings were suffocating my legs. Not only that, but I decided to take my hook off as well, and just keep it off.

I looked at my feet. Were the heels overkill? The stilettos were killing me, and I've only been standing for 2 minutes.

I took the cigar out of my mouth and smothered it into the ashtray.

I walked down to her room, only 3 hallways from mine. Thank God there was no one here. If  Miss All Sunday saw me, she'd never let it down.

I reached down turning the doorknob, seeing that it wasn't locked, I head in. She didn't seem like she was home yet.

I stood near the living room and the doorway. I looked down at my clothing again.

That's it. I can't. This is too embarrassing. I wondered if her bathroom had a wind, seeing if I could escape there.

I turn around-


(2nd) POV

What is he...

Fuck, he looks so...


Crocodile turned around to find you there and staring at him.

You started walking towards him. He got a bit startled, and slowly started walking backward.

"L...Look, (Y/N), it's not what you think, I was just-" Croc tripped over his own feet and fell on his ass, legs partially opened, showing his black speedo-like panties, barely fitting him.

You climbed over him, straddling his  waist, gently grinding on him while bending down and kissing him roughly. Crocodile was completely shocked, thinking that you'd make fun of him.

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