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{{Something I thought was funny---

At a Shichibukai meeting, you get bonked in the head and pass out. When wake up, you have a concussion and you are now so stupid that it makes three warlords laugh.

This is Various, so all the 3 are in this trying to "get with you", I guess.}}

"Mihawk, do I have to go?" You whined, standing by his boat as he got ready to take off.

"Of course you do. You don't have much of a choice. Besides, don't you want to see the other Shichibukai?" He asked you, raising an eyebrow.

"But who would I want to see?" You wondered.

"Well, you know, Moria, Kuma, Hancock and Jinbe." Mihawk says, putting his sword on his back.

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" You smiled, knowing how he purposely forgot to people.

"I simply don't know what your talking about. There are only five warlords." Hawk-eye answered, facing his boat and untying its knots.

"What about Sir Crocodile and Doffy?" You smiled, knowing he'd hate your question.

"Easy," he said, "They're dead to me."

You giggled slightly at his hate for the two.

"Really? And why is that?" You continued to push on.

"They're both up to some scheme I'm not aware of." He told you.

"And what is that scheme?"

"Taking you away from me."

You wheezed at his answer. He was concerned about you. I mean, of course he'd be. Dracule didn't trust the two to be anywhere near you.

You need reasons? He can name them easily:

#1- Doflamingo gets attached to you easily and each time he sees you. There was one time he tried to come home with him, and you nearly obliged.

#2- Crocodile always tries to convince you with his charms or gets you small gifts that you'd like. He even tried to bribe you with even more gifts, compliments, and charms to come to Alabasta with him.

All though, Mihawk doesn't trust either of them, but he can almost trust Crocodile with not trying to kidnap you like Doflamingo.

Then again, Crocodile would steal you from the hawk you sooner or later.

"So you're letting me come with you even though you don't trust them?" You sighed, putting a hand on your hip.

"I don't trust any of them, really," he began, "the one I feel I can trust most is Jinbe and myself."

"But, you don't trust me?" You pondered, saying it sadly, even though you had no intention on doing so.

"No, not at all. You nearly subconsciously ran off with all of them one point or another, even Boa. I trust you to behave like a good (girl/boy/kid) this time. Alright?" He was turned, facing you with a hand on your shoulder.

You went red from him asking you to be good for him. You groaned softly at his grip getting tighter when you weren't responding with him.

"O-Ok. Fine, I'll go. I do want to see Crocy-bear and Doffy-senpai again." You said in a dreamy voice, clutching at your chest. He grunted. He knew you were kidding, but it still bothered him that you gave them nicknames.

"Alright, (Y/N), get on." Mihawk gestured, stepping on before you. He held out a hand for you to grab.

You reached out, taking it and sitting along beside him.

A Hawk, a Flamingo and a Crocodile Where stories live. Discover now