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Oh ho ho, strap yourself in for this man.

Let's go over his rules he'd have for you.

#1- You must be at his side at all times.

#2- If he wants to fuck, you have to agree, he gives you little to no option.

#3- Don't ever look at someone else the way he looks at you. In other words, don't fall in love with anybody but him.

#4- If you want to go outside, he must accompany you, no one else can.

#5- He picks what you wear.

And there's a shit ton more. It's a list that's never ending.

Doffy will never no why he has this obsession with you. He couldn't even make a guess.

One day, he saw you and nothing else mattered but you. He can deal with Dressrosa later, he wants you and he'll do anything to get you.

Doffy will kidnap you and make you love him. The idea of beating you into submission at first, was a terrible thought. But since you aren't cooperating, he will more than likely start to.

If his dick gets hard, he'll immediately ask you for your help. At first, he's ok with your declining. But eventually, he gets tired with it and will start to use you against your will.

He will get you many gifts, whether you asked him for them or not. One thing that highly upset him was when Baby 5 got you lingerie.

He new that you didn't want anything close to sex yet, since he literally kidnapped you. He was so tempted to set her on fire, but after Monet convinced him not to (for your sake), he decided he wouldn't.

All in all, he treats you like a porcelain doll.


Crocodile also has a set of rules similar to Doflamingo's, but they have a bit more freedom. He'll let you wander around town if you ask, you just have to be accompanied by a Baroque Works member, but he usually assigns Miss All Sunday or Mr. 1 to you.

He'll buy you your clothes, but he'll let you dress up with them how ever you want for the day. But if he were to go to a banquette or some fancy place, he'll pick an outfit for you.

Crocodile will literally get a tailor to get the perfect dress or suit for you. He'd even get you matching shoes and a necklace.

When he gets turned on, he won't ask you, at all, because he doesn't want you to dislike him anymore then you already do.

Like Doffy, he'd also kidnap you, but not right away. If you start playing hard to get, he'll just get pissed and kidnap you.

He'll be as patient as he can be. He'll wait years before he can be with you.

But obviously, this man will love you to death.


Mihawk's very different in only some ways. Again, his rules are similar to Doffy and Crocodile's; don't leave the house unless I am with you.

Like the others he will kill for you. He'd willingly kill Shanks if you asked him to. Anyone you wanted dead he'd do in an instant.

Majority of the time Mihawk kills, it's in a blind rage that he can't control.

Once in a while he has you dress up for dinner or for other more, different, reasons that I shouldn't mention. The rest of the time, you can dress however you please. Just as long as it's not too revealing when in public.

For the third time, he's also the type to kidnap you. After a few days or weeks when he has taken a liking to you, that's when he makes his move.

Once in a while, his mEmBeR gets hard, and he's more than tempted to ask you to "help him". If you decline, it doesn't bother him too much, he'll just take the sweater he took a week ago from your room and use that to help himself.

Mihawk will give you gentle kisses to tell you that it's alright and that he's not going to hurt you.

Word Count: 693

A Hawk, a Flamingo and a Crocodile Where stories live. Discover now