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"Pfft- ahaha!"


"I- Cannot with this-"

"5up, where?"

"This is too funny-"

"5up! Where- oh,"

"Hmm, hey Fundy,"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm talking to someone,"

"Uh huh,"

"And watching youtube, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, can I watch the video?"

"Sure, I'll start it from the beginning so you can get the full experience,"

"Oh high class, alright I won't complain,"


"What the hell 5up- haha!"

"I know! The stupid ai is so funny!"

"I thought you were cheating on me for a second,"

"Why would I do that? Your too good for anyone else!"

"Mhm, yeah you too!"

"Wanna continue? I'm planning on making brownies later today with this nice caramel dressing I managed to make,"

"Sounds like a deal, I wanna be the first test subject for such good food,"

"You already are! You taste so much of my cooking and your reactions are priceless,"

"I'm just the funny man- and nobody can stop me!"

"Haha! Fundy stop- I'm gonna get so ripped from laughing too much,"

"Oh that's hot, I'll just make you laugh even more,"

"Pleeaase- nooooo~!"

"Suffer bit-"


Sorry bout the long wait I had lots of stuff and my adhd was acting up again so now I'm waiting for 1 am where I can sleep peacefullu.

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