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(when I think of fucked ships, I think of schlatbur. So here we go! Sry if any characters are a bit off)

Collage au

Schlatt POV

I had just gotten back from work. I expected Wilbur to be in the living room like he usually was, but he wasn't. It wouldn't have been so weird if the apartment wasn't so quiet.

'is he fuckin' dead?'

I walk down the hall, twords our rooms. Still no sound.

Suddenly a shaky breath came from Wilburs room.

'Fuck, Is he dieing?'

I knock.

No answer.

"Hey Wil, are you good?"

Still no answer.

Fuck it, I'm-

"Schlatt! I thought there was another hour until you got off work!" Wilbur said through the door. He sounded nervous...

"Are you okay? You sound like you're bein' held at gun point." I state, already putting my hand on the door handle.

Wilburs silence just bothered me more. "Wil, I'm coming in."

"Wait! No Schlatt-"

Wilbur was sat on his bed.

With no pants.

With a boner.

His face was flushed, wether it was from his masterbating or me walking in was up in the air. He looked like he wanted to cry. I felt my dick rise.


"Now that you've seen, can you get the fuck out?" Wil asked, clearly annoyed.

"I can help." I muttered.

Wil stared blankly at me for a second. It's not like I hid my attraction to him, was he that oblivious?

Wilbur tilted his head slightly,"Pardon"

"Nothing. I said nothing." I said, starting to walk out of the room.

(Fuck, Moonsickness keeps playing in my head)

A hand grabbed my wrist. I turn to see Wilbur standing next to me,"I heard you, you idiot." He whispered.

I didn't respond as he pushed he against the wall next to the door. From this position he looked even taller than normal. He leaned down and kissed me.

It was soft, almost like he was testing the waters. I, of course, kissed him back, moving my hands up to hold his shoulders.

After a bit he pulled away. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

I only nodded,(consent is fuckin important!) not trusting myself to not stutter. He nodded and went down to my neck, kissing and biting it.

He continued for a bit, but was already worked up. He pulled me over to the bed, pushing me down.

He pulled my pants off, reveling my half hard dick. He hummed, reaching over to his bedside table.

"Have you ever done this with a guy before?" He asked.

I shook my head,"I'm not gonna have you bottom then. We can try that later."

He grabbed lube and squeezed a bit onto his fingers. He than reached behind him inserted a finger, releasing a moan.

With his other hand he jerked me off. He soon inserted a second finger, stretching out his hole. He eventually pulled his fingers out and turned his attention fully to me.

He moved so his knees were either side of my hips. Holding himself just above my dick. He took a deep breath and began lowering himself onto it.

He moaned as I went in. I held back the urge to thrust into him, letting him continued to lower himself down.

Once I was fully in he stopped, gripping my shoulders. He was breathing heavily.

I grip his hips, feeling rather inpatient. But I knew he needed time to adjust.

He took a deep breath before lifting himself and pushing himself back down. We both moan in unison as he does.

I begin thrusting in time with him. I could feel a sort of pressure building in my stomach.

"Wil- I- I'M...!" I grip his hips harder, moaning loudly.

I came suddenly, a moan ripping it's self from my throat.

Wilbur dug his fingernails into my shoulders as he lost the pattern in his bouncing.

He continued to bounce until a moan, practically a screech, came from his throat. His cum covered both of our stomachs and chests.

He lifted himself off of my dick then collapsed onto my chest,"Fuck... " He sighed.

"We need to take a shower...." I pointed out, since it was clear that he wanted to sleep.

He buried his face in my neck instead. I sighed, and pulled his legs around my waist. He may he taller than me, but I'm stronger.

I walk to the bathroom and lay him on the (closed) toilet. Then I turn to the tub and fill it with water.

I pick Wilbur back up and set him in the water. He whimpered at the hot water.

After I help him clean up I dress him. I then walk to my room and set him on my bed.

I take my shower quickly and walk to my room. I put on a shirt and underwear, then feel arms rap around my middle.

"Come sleeeeepp" Wilbur wines, as if I wasn't going to do that.

I grab a pair of sweat pants and push him off," I'm getting dressed, I'll be over there in a bit."

He wines and flops on the bed. I roll my eyes and crawl into the bed. As soon as I'm on Wilbur latches onto me.

He almost seemed to purr.

"Night Wil"

He hummed in response.

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