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(ya boi started writing a Def-not-smut @ school. So I decided to finish it here. (The drawing is mine, it was on the sheet of paper I wrote it on))

(Note: I'll be writing word for word what's on the paper, then I'll finish it)

Grian, as usual, was in the mood to bother someone. After thinking it over he decided on Iskall.

He equipped his elyria and made his way to his tree, only to turn around twords Beefs old base. The BBS was so confusing...

Grian touched down in front of the house. He considered stealing the door, but decided against it. He was here to get a reaction, not just be a bother.

The opened the door and walked inside. He walked about for a good 10 minutes before hearing any sound at all. In was a strange sound, and came from upstairs.

Should be climb the stairs?

It was probably nothing...

But it could be something bad...

After his internal battle, he began climbing the stairs. He ascended them slowly, listening for any sound.

Once he was on the second floor it was clear where the noise came from. Soft *human sounds came from an open door at the end of the hall.


Grians face went red as he contemplated the meaning of the sounds. There were only a few things it could be...

1. Iskall was being stabbed.

2. He was working out or something.

3. He was...

"Mumbo!" He yelled, in a definitely not sexual way.

(From here on out I'll be very honest with it being sexual lol. That's as far as I got at school)

Grian turned as red as his sweater. Iskall and Mumbo were... And he he was... But...

He felt a tent grow in his pants. He slowly crept down the hall, luckily the floor had a carpet down the middle. Making his steps almost silent.

He heard more moans from the two of his friends. Damn, he wanted to join them.

Grian had crushes on both Iskall and Mumbo, the thought of the two of them fucking him made him almost moan. He bit his lip to prevent a whimper from coming out.

By this point he was at the door. He sat next to it and listened. As far as he could tell, Iskall was bottoming. Though, he couldn't imagine Iskall being submissive.

But fuck, that image in his head. He covered his mouth as he started palming himself. His moans muffled by his hand. But he wasn't quiet enough.

He heard them whispering to each other. Then someone standing up.


He wanted to get up and run. To pretend that he wasn't being a complete creep and listening to his friends having sex. But he had to own up to it.

He looked up and met the eyes of Mumbo.


"I... I'm sorry, I heard you and couldn't...  I-"

"Just come in." Mumbo said with a sigh.

He nodded, still feeling guilty. He was getting off to his friends and-

Holly fuck.

Iskall was sprawled out on the bed, hands tied to the bed frame. He was completely stripped of clothing, and had hickeys down his chest. He had a foggy look in his eyes.

He whimpered as Mumbo walked back to the bed. He tugged on the restraints.

"Iskall has a kink for an audience. Since you obviously enjoy listening to the little slut, why not watch as well." Mumbo said, going back between Iskalls legs.

Grian nodded, sitting down against one of the walls. He watched as Mumbo teased Iskall, making the man moan.

Grian took off his pants and boxers, beating it to the show before him.

Mumbo began fingering Iskall, sending loud moans from the other. He gipped the restraints, and looked over at Grian.

Mumbo leaned over to Iskalls ear and whispered something, what ever it was caused his to whimper. He bit his lip.

After another minute of so Mumbo removed his fingers and rammed into Iskall. "Mumbo! Fuck!"

Moan after moan ripped it's self from Iskalls throat. They filled the room.

Grian watched with half lidded eyes. Seeing someone he always saw as dominant be this submissive... Fuck.

A warmth built up in his stomach. He was going to cum soon, he could tell.

Mumbo and Iskall had done this before, so Mumbo knew just where to hit. And the proof was in Iskalls continuous moaning.

Iskall came soon after. But Mumbo continued for another few seconds. He soon came in Iskall.

Mumbo pulled out and untied Iskall, who immediately hugged him. And Grian sat awkwardly against the wall.

"Umm... Grian wanna join us..?" Mumbo asked awkwardly. It was almost like the person Grian had talked to earlier was another person entirely.

He nodded, walking to the bed. Iskall turned and opened his arms to him, pulling him in.

(Awkward ending POG.)

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