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(another one I made half of during school. This time I was more daring, AKA if my teacher saw it I would be dead. Also because I'm hella behind this takes place at the beginning of the season.)

"Come on!" Doc said in a sing-song voice,"please?"

Bdubs, who's face was cherry red, didn't reply. Instead he pushed his face more into Docs chest.

Doc wanted him to wear lace lingerie, but Bdubs was far too prideful. But on the other hand, seeing Bdubs flustered we just as good.

"You'd look good in it though." Doc stated, rapping the other boy in his arms.

Bdubs looked down at the sofa beneath them," You just want me to so you can laugh about it..."

Docs face fell, he looked like a kicked puppy," I'm your boyfriend, why would I even think of doing that?"

Bdubs didn't answer, instead he stood for Docs lap," I'm going to my side of the mansion."


The next day was quiet. Neither of them dared to talk to each other. Instead they worked on personal work, it's like they were only neighbors.

Well, until that night...

Doc had been Lying on his bed(it may be atrocious, but it's still comfy) just chillin. In the quiet night air he heard footsteps, they were very light. Whom ever was walking was trying their best to not be heard.

Doc stood to search for the person. He wasn't to keen on them stealing from him, or his boyfriend for that matter.

He opened the door to his room....

.... Only to nearly knock over Bdubs, who looked as if he was about to knock.

Doc looked over him. He was wearing a set of woman's lingerie, and as Doc suspected he looked great. The clothes plus Bdubs embarrassed expression was almost too much.

"Come down to my room!" Bdubs squeaked before running off, presumably to his room.

Docs mind raced. There was only one thing that this could mean, but what had prompted it? Did the stubborn Bdubs feel bad?

Pushing that aside, Doc made his way down to Bdubs room. He walked quietly through the half house and down to the stairs. At the bottom was Bdubs on his bed.


Docs face went red and he felt himself harden. Bdubs was lying on his stomach. The underwear of the lingerie was pushed aside and a dildo vibrator was shoved into his ass.

He released small noises, but it distracted him enough to not notice Doc. Doc snuck up behind him and pushed the toy in more.

The sound of Bdubs was music to his ears. Bdubs turned slightly, looking at Doc with lustful eyes.

"When did you get the lingerie?" Doc asked. He moved onto the bed, then pulled Bdubs onto his lap. He gently played with the toy that was still in Bdubs.

Bdubs pressed his face into Docs chest, releasing small moans," I-I've had it for-or a while..."

"Why don't you wear it? It looks so good on you." Doc purred.

Bdubs doesn't answer, so Doc thrusts the toy into him hard. Bdubs let out a loud moan, clinging to Doc.

Doc pulled Bdubs face up for a quick kiss before leaning down to his neck. He began kissing it lightly.

As he trailed down he began leaving marks. He listened to Bdubs moans of approval as he did so.

He began going down to Bdubs collarbone, stopping at the (do I call it a bra??? But that shit makes me uncomfortable as fuck... Fuck it it's now a chest covering)  chest covering.

He pulled up the clothing and began playing with Bdubs nipples. The light whimpers from the bottom only encouraged him.

He soon moved his hands down to Bdubs bulge. As he palmed it he sucked on Bdubs nipples.

Bdubs moved his hands to Docs shoulders, clutching them as he moaned. Doc then started palming faster.

Doc notice something strange and looked up at the smaller boy," Don't you usually cum before this?"

Bdubs looked way, face turning cherry red,"Well..." Bdubs removed his dick from his undergarment.

Bdubs was wearing a cock ring.

Doc grinded,"Why didn't I know you had half of this?"

"Worry about that later! Now fuck me!" Bdubs whined.

Doc smirked and complied. He removed his pants, and the vibrator from Bdubs. The bottom whimpered, (ngl I just forgot how to spell 'burying' for liking 5 mins) burying his face into Docs neck.

Doc pulled off the undergarment of the lingerie, throwing it to the side. He pulled Bdubs up to look at him. He leaned in, this time linking them from a more passionate kiss.

He slipped his tongue into Bdubs mouth. He searched the wet cavern. He could feel Bdubs hands tangled in his hair.

When the finally pulled apart Bdubs was gasping for air. He laid his head back on to Docs shoulder.

Doc lifted up Bdubs, pushing him down onto the bed. Bdubs grips on of his pillows, pushing his face into it.

"Are you ready?" Doc asked, getting into position. After Bdubs nod Doc thrusts into him.

Bdubs let out a series of moans. They fill the room, despite his face being pressed into a pillow.

Doc made small grunts. Unlike Bdubs he wasn't very vocal during sex.

"Fuc- mmm Le-t mee cu-ummm" Bdubs chocked out.

Doc reached around him and removed the cock ring, immediately continuing with his fucking of Bdubs.

Not long after Bdubs came. He released a loud moan, tears spilling from his eyes. His cum covered the pillow that he hugged.

At the tightening of Bdubs hole Doc came as well. His nut filled Bdubs, causing the smaller to whimper.

Both stop and gasp for air. After a bit Doc pulled out, sitting back.

"We... We should go get cleaned up now.." Doc sighed, standing up.

Bdubs whined and shook his head.

"Come on." Doc said, lifting the smaller boy.

He brought him to the bath and filled the tub. The smaller flinched at the water.

Doc gently cleaned Bdubs and himself, he tried to me as quick as possible.

He got out and dried them both, then took them to his house. Has much as he liked Bdubs room, the bed wasn't fit to be slept on at the moment.

He lowered the two of them into the bed and drifted off.

(So I've decided that school is the best place to write smut. Just don't get caught.)

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