<Grian x Wilbur>

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( I don't know if this ship has a name... But I said I was going to do this, I didn't lie.

Btw the next one will either be glattbur or Etho and Beef.)

Will had been out with a few friends, wondering about town. By the end of the night they had stopped at a bar, mainly to get out of the rain that had started.

The three of them(Techno, Will, and Phil) had gone to different areas to do different things. Techno to a corner by himself, Phil to start some conversation with someone, and Will to the bar it's self.

"What could I get for ya?" Asked the bartender.

Wilbur shrugged,"I'm not really here to drink, just water."

The other man nodded and gave him the glass before leaving to tend to other customers. Wilbur stared off into space, hoping the rain would calm down so they could leave.


Will looked over at the man that sat on the stool next to him. He was small... And very drunk.

"I love your hair! How does it do that" his eyes were bright, he reminded Wilbur of the few times he'd seen Techno drunk.

Will chuckled,"It's natural" He watched the other nod,"So could I know your name?"

His eyes lit up brighter," I'm Grian! Can I feel your hair? It looks so fluffy." 

Will sighed, leaning down for the boy. He immediately reached up to pet Wilbur. (Some girl at a track meet once asked to pet my hair...)

Will leaned into the pet slightly, looking at the now blushing boy. Grian quickly pulled his hand away. He looked very embarrassed.

"Grian! There you are! Why did you just up and disappear?" Asked a mustached man.

Grian laughed,"Well, it started raining and this was the closest store that was open."

The man looked a little angry, mainly worried though,"You should have told us. Me and Iskall have been searching for you."

"It's fine, why not have a couple drinks with me and...?" He looked to Wilbur.

Will nodded," I'm Wilbur, you are...?"

"Mumbo, I'm Mumbo. Sorry you had to deal with Grian. I know how he can be." The man sighed, taking the seat next to Grian.

Grian seemed to have gotten distracted. He is no longer paying attention to Mumbo or Wilbur, rather he is fiddling with his phone.

A ding suddenly came from Mumbos phone. He picked it up, then his eyes widened,"We need to go, come on Grian!"

"But I wanna stay and talk to Wilbur!" Grian groaned, pouting like a child.

Wil stopped Mumbo before he could argue," I'll get him an Uber later, you should go."

Mumbo looked as if he would have argued if he had the time, but he didn't. He rushed away, leaving the two boys alone again.

"Wil! Thank you! What kinda drink would you like?" Grian asked excitedly.

Wilbur laughed,"You don't have to get me anything... It's fine."

"But I want to thank you! It'll be on me, come on..." Grian was begging at this point.

Wil sighed before finally answering," I guess vodka..."

Grian quickly got the attention of the bartender and ordered the first drink of many for Wilbur.


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