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(I... Look I'm not good at fluff. So... Forgive me if this shit is trash. BTW I'm a bottom, so don't expect these smutshots to be in the POV of the dominant person.)

<Grian POV>

Mumbo and I were sitting on his couch, watching television. I felt like doing something mischievous.

I was sitting on his lap... So the obvious thing to do was grind on him. But I needed to do it in a way that wouldn't be obvious.

I moved, making it seem like I was just getting comfortable. His face changed slightly... But nothing else.

I turned so I was straddling him. I lay my chin on his shoulder, I gently kissed his neck.

He hummed. I felt his hands move to my hips.

"What are you doing Grian?" He asked.

I didn't respond verbally, instead I kissed his neck again. He seemed to get it and turned the TV off.

I bit his neck gently then sucked on it. I knew Mumbo wasn't very vocal, so I didn't expect him to moan, but his tighter grip on my hips told me everything I needed to know.

I moved away from his neck and up to look into his eyes. I could tell he was enjoying it.

I leaned in to kiss him, it started soft. He then deepening it. My hands move up to tangle in his hair, his moving to my back.

His tongue licks my bottom lip, I considered refusing. Instead I open my mouth. 

After a bit we had to pull away, God damn air.

He moves to take off my shirt, I allow him to. Then moved to his shirt. Unbuttoning it and pulling it off, leaving on his tie.

He moved to remove it, but I stopped him. He let out a sigh,"Grian. I don't have the money to spend on your kink."

"I'll pay for it, please!" I wine, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

He rolled his eyes and leaned in again. As we kissed he rubbed his knee against my bulge. I moan and grip his shoulders.

He moves his attention to my neck, leaving marks down to my collar bone. He soon moves his attention down to the bulge in my pants.

Despite he having done next to nothing, I was hard. He palmed my hard on through my pants. My hands fly up to cover my moans.

He soon changed our position. He pushed me down so I was laying on the sofa, then positioned himself between my legs. He then started palming me again.

He seemed to get bored with my soft moaning, so he undid my pants. He then stood and took both my pants and boxers off, then sat back down.

He kissed the inside of my thigh gently. His eyes raising to meet mine. I grip his hair ruffly.

He put three of this fingers into my mouth. I sucked on them as he marked more of my neck.

Mumbo pulled his fingers out and moved them to my ass. "Are you sure about this, Grian?"

"Yeah, I am." I state.

He nods, pushing the first finger in. He pushed it around for a bit, then added another. I moan softly, leaning up to grab his tie.

I pull him down and into a kiss. He continued to stretch me out, causing me to moan into the kiss.

I finally pull away and let go of the tie. By this point he seemed to have decided that I had been stretched out enough because he stood to take off his pants.

He pushed himself in slowly, forcing me to moan. I grip his shoulders as he pushes in all the way.


I forgot how big he was.

He stayed still, allowing me to adjust. But I could tell he was getting impatient.

"You-u can g-go" I stutter. He obliges and starts thrusting into me.

A string of moans flow out of my mouth. I clutch his shoulders and he thrusts in and out.

He hit a bundle of nerves and a wave of  pleasure runs through me. I rap my legs loosely around him.

A presser begins building in my stomach. Fuck. "I-" My own moans cut me off.

I cum on both of our stomachs, but he keeps going. Still pounding into my hole.

I release his shoulders and let myself fall back into the sofa. I grip the arm of the sofa as Mumbo thrusts into me.

Pressure begins building in my stomach again. "Gria-ian, fuck.."

His thrusts get sloppier and sloppier until he thrusts in and released in me. I cum immediately after.

He pulls out and collapses onto me. He hugs me, pressing his face into my shoulder.

"This isn't how I expected this night to go." He said with a breathy laugh.

I hum in response, hugging him back. He soon pulls away though.

"We should get cleaned up." He laughed, pulling me up with him.

"I want to sleep now" I grumble. He only laughed at my response.

There was a sudden knock on there door. Mumbo and I lock eyes for a second before he stands and puts on his discarded pants and shirt.

He runs to the door and I curl up on the sofa. I had just drifted off when I heard a sound in the real world.

I open my eyes and see Iskall (I'll check if that's how you spell it tomorrow, but I'm too fuckin tired right now) standing there at the sitting room entrance.

"Oh." He says simply, face red from embarrassment. He turned and walked out. 

There was laughter from Mumbo and the muffled sounds of talking but I was too tired to acknowledge them.

The last thing I remember before falling asleep was being carried somewhere.

(I wrote this in two sittings, so if anything is disjointed that's why.)

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