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(if you don't recognize the ship, it's Hels and Grian. Also, this only exists because I was listening to the Magnus Archives and scrolled onto some very spicy art. I regret everything.)

Hels was... Odd. Grian is like 90% sure he'd seen it eat a paperclip once. But like. In a weirdly violent way? Odd. It was odd, that was the point.

Which did not explain how it was jerking off to a horror podcast. Or maybe it was unrelated. Either way, it was odd. And it definitely didn't put Grian in the mood.

"Hels? Hun?" He asked, pushing open the door a bit more,"What... What are you up to?"

Hels quickly paused the podcast. As if Grian hadn't already heard it. The fuck?

Grian laughed,"I wasn't going to make fun of you, I already know you're a sadist, but like. I'm confused."

"Thats not the reason!" It replied defensively, hiding it's face,"I just..."

"Go on..." Grian prompted,"Why the podcast?"

Hels muttered something, but it was too quiet for him to properly hear. He walked closer,"one more time?"

Hels did not raise it's volume. Grian walked to the bed, sitting next to Hels,"Once more?"

It's face was now bright red, it still tried to keep from looking at Grian,"The narrator sounds like you."

Grian knew for a fact that his voice was in fact higher than the man who narrated the podcast Hels had been listening to. They only shared an accent. But Hels being embarrassed was enough to turn Grian on.

"So, you get off to my voice?" He teased, straddling Hels waist he was still clothed and it seemed aggravate with that fact,"you should have told me earlier, I love talking."

It sighed,"shut up and take your shirt off!" It grumbled and tugged at the sweater. It's face was a delicious shade of pink.

"Fine, fine!" He complied, revealing his chest,"but I think I'll keep speaking, Helsie"

"Grian, please I'm very hard right now. Please take off your pants!" Grian laughed again but did get up from his place. He slowly removed his bottoms, Hels whined.

Grian finally let the garments hit the ground and grinned at his partner,"So, who's bottoming?"

Hels didn't even bother thinking about it, it grabbed the lube and squirted some on its own fingers. Grian watched critically as it prepped its self, slipping between it's legs.

"Do you want help with that?" He asked, rubbing it's thighs. It again whined.

"No! Just stick it in. If I wait longer I will pass the fuck out." It said dramatically.

Grian grinned, then gently pushed into Hels who grumbled,"Grian I swear-!"

He slammed the rest of his length into his partner, who streamed. It's thighs squeezed around him. He pated it's leg as it adjusted.

Then he remembered the podcast and grinned. He leaned over and tapped "play" on Hels's phone. It turned a truer shade of red.

Before Hels could object, Grian began a brutal pace. So along side the smooth voice of the narrator, was the shouts and moans of his partner.

"Sir!" It shouted,"please Sir!"

Without warning, Grian stopped. He slowed down to gentle thrusts. Which served to piss off Hels. He was about to yell but Grian 'shh'ed him,"Well, don't you want to listen to the end of the story?"

It played, the narrator using the same even voice as always. Hels gripped a pillow, whining. Grian drawing out its orgasm. He gleefully watch Hels's dick twitch. With a whimper, Hels came into  it's stomach. It looked thoroughly embarrassed. And a bit angry.

"Your a dick."

"You were literally masturbating to a horror podcast."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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