9. Eight Letters

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A little braver
New empire

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Happy reading, Livers💗


I went back home listlessly. My mom was curious as she asked me many questions. But no question was answered. She yelled behind the locked bedroom door, but I ignored her.

"Lily, what's happening to you?"

I cried in silence. My tears in my eyes blurring my vision.

"Are you drunk?"

"Go, Mom. Leave me alone." I intended to say it loudly, but it sounded like a mutter.


I stared at my phone. There was a notification hovered in it. My fingers quivered when I found out 'twas Jayden's message.

What was wrong with you? Why did you feel anxious? You were even nobody.

I ignored the message. I knew I didn't deserve it. I was absolutely destined to be lonely. I had to live without needing anyone, because no one needed me in this world.

Seconds later, Jayden phoned me, so I stared at my phone. I gulped. Actually I really wanted to pick up the phone. I wanted to hear from him. His voice always made me feel calm. But, I couldn't.

The phone call finally ended. But the second time, Jayden didn't give up, he phoned me again.

I surrendered, so I answered the phone call.

Jayden intended to start a conversation, but I interrupted him.

"Jay. Why should you? Why are you the person who always controls my feelings? You make me happy, but on the other hand you make me sad. You make me laugh, but on the other hand you make me cry." I paused as I sobbed.

He tried to speak, but I interrupted him again.

"You make me hopeful. I know I'm nobody. I'm not supposed to say it. But really, Jay. How could you!"

Now I couldn't say anything. I cried and sobbed.

"Lily, listen to me." He said it softly like a soft cheese cake.

"I don't know what you mean. But--"

"Yeah... you don't know and will never know. Cause I...." I paused as I bit my lower lip.

"Cause you...?" He asked.

"Cause I don't even understand my feelings!"

After that, I ended the phone call unilaterally.

"You almost say stupid words."


You know what? I cried all night so that my eyes swelled up. Ugh it sounded silly. I have to go to school, but should I do it with my condition like this?

Who cares!

Later, I went to school without having breakfast. Of course, my mom called out my name, but I ignored her as I ran.

Until when I arrived at school, unfortunately I met Liam and both of his friends. It was still early and misadventures had come to me.

"Hi, bitch." Liam greeted me.

"Piss off." I didn't know why I could be as brave as that, even I stared at his eyes.

"Did you hear it, bro? Just let her go."

Lily's Insecurities (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now