6. Two Steps Ahead

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WARNING: Gun violence, blood, gore.


"Jimin, stay in contact. Don't cut the call", Taehyung's voice blooms through the bluetooth speaker tucked inside his ear, carefully hidden by a few gorgeous strands of his golden hair.

Jimin rolls his eyes, sitting beside the window in his favorite purple silk robe (taehyung's courtesy). "With how much you worry everytime I go on a mission, I'm starting to think I should've married you, not Seokjin", he replies, hostile.

Taehyung snorts. "Your husband won't be too happy hearing you say that, Min. Anyway, I worry all the time, I know. But this mission is different than all the other ones you've successfully accomplished. You've got two men to murder this time. And they're not just any men. They're a part of TYG", he warns, seriousness seeping into his voice.

"Well, well, well, look at you, being scared of fucking losers. Who would've thought? Seriously, Taehyung, you need to take a chill pill, you're starting to annoy me", Jimin replies, hyperaware of the voices in his other ear. Yes, he did fit a macro mic there.

"Woah! Where is Jimin and what have you done to him? Getting annoyed? Who would've thought?", Taehyung repeats, mocking. Jimin finally realizes how he has been talking to Taehyung and sighs in defeat.

"Sorry, Tae, it's just...", he trails off. "What is it?", Taehyung coaxes, voice much softer than before. He doesn't care about anyone hearing him talk so gently. He's Jimin's best friend ("Soulmate", as Namjoon says) first.

Speaking of Namjoon...

"I'm just worried about Joon", Jimin finally says. "I know what he said to you guys and it's bothering me. What if he gets himself into some kind of trouble?", he asks, more to himself than to Taehyung.

"Don't worry, Min. Jin hyung called Kian today morning. He said everything's fine with Namjoon. He hasn't gotten into any trouble. If you're still worried, I can send someone to Kian for more details", Taehyung suggest good-naturedly.

"Nah, that's fine. I trust Kian", Jimin says with yet another sigh. A knock on the door makes his senses heighten. "Tae, shit, I think they're here. I'll talk to you later", he says hastily.

"Be safe!", comes Taehyung's voice before the annoying beep signifies Jimin's call getting recorded. Jimin quickly makes sure his golden locks hide the speaker well and smiles at himself in the mirror.

"Okay", he whispers to no one in particular and walks to the door. He unlocks the door, smiling at the much taller, handsome looking men in front of him. "Hi", he says in a soft voice, not meeting their eyes to come off as shy and timid.

"Hope we aren't late", the shorter one of the two says. "Of course not, Ten. You're...", Jimin pulls the taller man's wrist to check the time, "...just on time", he whispers sultrily.

Jaewhan, the taller one, smiles and invites himself in. Ten follows quickly, turning up the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door and then closing it with his foot. "Minnie, was it?", Jaewhan asks, settling himself on the bed beside Jimin, unsubtly grazing a hand up his bare thigh through the slit on his robe.

Jimin indulges him easily, gracing him with a subtle, sexy grin that he knows makes him look like a high maintenance vixen people crave to use as their personal sex toy.

"Aren't you a pretty little thing?", Ten whispers right into his ear, his hot breath making Jimin feel disgusted. It would probably be hot if he wasn't in a loving, sex-filled relationship. But he's married to The Kim Seokjin who, despite his surface coldness, is no less than a sex god.

"This pretty little thing doesn't really like little things, mind you", Jimin smiles at him, purposefully gazing at his crotch and then back up at his face. Ten laughs quietly. "Well, what you're gonna get is nowhere near little, I can assure you", he whispers seductively.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna make Seokjin hyung listen to this. This is hilarious", Taehyung says, laughing. Thank god Jimin had turned the secrecy mode on so that only he can hear Taehyung's voice.

"I'd love to see", he replies to the two men on the bed. Just as he's about to lay down on the mattress to begin the next part of his plan, he feels something hard pressing against his lower torso.

A gun.

"What...", he starts slowly, confused. What the fuck? "I've heard you are interested in gunplay, aren't you, Jimin Kim?", Jaehwan says against his ear. Jimin flinches, caught off-guard. Wait. Back up. This isn't what he had expected.

"Jimin, fuck, what's happening? Say yes if you're okay", Taehyung is saying but Jimin can't hear him. His mind is running miles per second to come up with a Plan B. He was so busy worrying about Namjoon, he forgot to plan anything else, just in case.

"Wondering how we know?", Ten asks, looking thoroughly amused. "We're a part of The Young Guns, Kim. We're always gonna be two steps ahead of you", he laughs. Jimin wants to wipe that ironic smile off of his face.

Jaewhan sets the trigger, keeping it pressed on his spine. One pull and either Jimin dies or half of his body gets paralyzed. Imagine all the sex he'll miss just because two stupid cunts thought they can outdo him.

He's Kim Jimin. His dictionary doesn't entail the word 'Losing'.

"Aren't you two cunning?", he says, voice trembling. Jaehwan laughs out loud and pulls his bluetooth speaker out of his ear. Jimin can practically hear Taehyung panic-shouting in his mind, probably getting ready to send his men for his help.

"Of course we are, Kim", Ten says. "Now we have two options for you. Either my partner shoots you in your fucking spine and we leave you to die here or you be a good little boy for us and quietly come with us and reveal all your petty data. The choice is yours".

Jimin gulps visibly, watching as the two share a winning look over his head. His hand goes to the back of robe, subtle, very secretive. "I-I'll g-go with y-you. Please don't k-kill me", he stutters, words coming out shaky.

"Very well, then", Jaewhan says, pressing the revolver firmer against his back. Jimin bites his lip, looking frightened and steals a glance at Ten who's smirking like he has won.

In one swift motion, Jimin grabs the head of the revolver and arches his back so that it curves in the way he wants it to. Surprised, Jaehwan pulls the trigger.
Unfortunately for him, Jimin had already turned its rim upwards and the bullet pierces through his jaw, his lifeless body falling against the headboard, pieces of bloodied skin sticking to it and the bed, some of it even falling on Jimin's expensive robe.

He looks at Ten's shocked expression and smirks. Quickly, he climbs on top of the man and traces his chiesled chin, eyes glowing with mirth and satisfaction.

"Not so cunning, now, are you?"

"Not so cunning, now, are you?"

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