5. You're still an Amateur

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"Stop calling me all the time. He'll get suspicious", Jungkook hisses on the phone. "God, no need to be so annoyed. Just wanted to let you know Jaehyun has done his job", Jackson informs.

"Oh, that's awesome. He can still mimic voices, right?", he asks after some thought. Jungkook can feel Jackson rolling his eyes. "Are you doubting him, Jeon?", he questions. Jungkook chuckles. "I don't want to but it's been more than a year since he has done anything like this", he reasons.

Jackson hums, taking his words into consideration. "I guess that's reasonable. But don't worry, Boss trusts him. He'll do well, as always", he assures. Jungkook hums and ends the call, no time for greetings.

"Jungkook?", comes Namjoon's voice from behind him. Startled, Jungkook turns around way too quickly and hits his ankle on the leg of the armchair. His leg slips but before he can fall and be one with the ground, two arms on his back and waist stabilize him.

His eyes meet directly with Namjoon's and for a moment he forgets everything he's supposed to be doing and loses himself in those orbs, feeling Namjoon's big hands burn into his skin from the way he holds him, so tight yet still so gentle.

Sadly, that moment is gone as soon as it comes and he realizes, with extreme horror, what position he's currently in. Or rather, they are in.

In a fit of sudden panic, Jungkook holds Namjoon's hand, the one on his waist, and pushes it away from himself, making Namjoon lose his balance. The silver haired man's eyes widen comically before he's falling on top of Namjoon which in turn makes both of them fall on the floor.

Which could've totally been avoided. Jungkook realizes belatedly.

Because now he's lying on the ground on his back, bones aching with the force of their fall. But what's worrying is not the pain itself. It's the fact that he isn't lying alone, Namjoon is lying on top of him, his crushing weight making it harder for Jungkook to get up.

It takes a few moments for Namjoon to come back to the real world from wherever his mind had gone to. His eyes land on Jungkook under him, hands on his (sexy, muscled) chest.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry", he rambles, surprised by the sudden turn of events. Jungkook grunts under him and closes his eyes. It's better than staring directly at Namjoon's (luscious, lustrous, luring) lips.

"Get off of me", he manages to groan out. This time, it's Namjoon who panics and in a flurry to get off of Jungkook as quickly as possible, his hands slip on Jungkook's (very chiseled) chest and he falls again.

Now, they're closer than before, chest to chest. Jungkook can feel Namjoon's ragged breaths on his face and he refuses to open his eyes. He's a very gay man who loves sex very much and he really does not want to have sex with the enemy. It's not worth the risk.

And he's very self-aware, thank you very much. He knows if he opens his eyes right now, the urge will be too irresistible, especially since he's been graced by Namjoon's sharp features before, they're just closer this time, too close for him to admire, too close for him to lose himself in the world of lust.

He doesn't want that right now. He has made that mistake once. Jeon Jungkook is a changed man now.

With that in mind, he takes a hold of Namjoon's arms and quickly switches their positions so that he's the one on top now. Not wasting another useful second, he gets off of the taller man and brushes his clothes to clean off the invisible dust.

His eyes land on Namjoon who's still frozen, looking more than shocked. Jungkook has to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Instead, he puts on his infamous fake smile, the sugary one, and extends a hand towards him.

"Get up, Namjoon", he says sweetly. Namjoon breaks out of whatever trance he was in and takes his hand, letting himself be pulled up by the literal stranger whom he hasn't known for more than ten hours.

"I'm so embarrassing", he mutters to himself. Jungkook gets into his actor mode. "Oh, no, no, it's totally fine, Namjoon", he assures. Then, realizing he needs to charm Namjoon anyway, he subtly adds, "Besides, I liked it anyway".

With that, he turns around and goes straight to Namjoon's spare bedroom, where he's supposed to be staying for the rest of his stay until he "heals". He smirks to himself. That was a good start even if it wasn't the way he had intended to begin his plan.

"What the fell was that?", Namjoon mutters to himself, meanwhile. Cheeks blushing as he recalls Jungkook's words. If it was anyone else, they would've found the younger creepy.

But, the thing is, Kim Namjoon is not anyone else. He's a sweet, kind hearted doctor who's adamant on thinking that Jungkook was simply messing with him, for whatever reason that is.

He shakes his head at the silly way his heart skipped a beat. Jungkook was just being funny. Nothing else. With that in mind, Namjoon shuts off the lights of the living room and goes back to his room, not even wondering why Jungkook would be whispering to someone on his phone in the middle of the night.

Then again, it's Namjoon. He thinks the rest of the world is just as good as him and that no one can hurt him because he hasn't hurt anyone. Not intentionally, at least. And no one could intrude into his home anyway.

Unbeknownst to him, the intruder is currently right beside his bedroom, laying on his bed, sharing his history, geography, with a someone who's more than just a stranger to him. It couldn't be any worse than this.

Meanwhile, the sweet doctor lays awake in his bed, wondering whether he has been romantically starved for too long.

It couldn't be that Jungkook was hitting on him.



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