7. It's gonna get you in Trouble

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"Fucking god, Jimin. I almost had a heart attack when your voice trembled. I thought you had given up!", Taehyung screeches, hands on his hips, watching disapprovingly as Jimin carefully removes his purple robe, standing in his lace black lingerie that he knows makes him look extra sexy.

Shame, it now reeks of enemy blood.

"Oh my god, what is your problem?!", Taehyung slams a hand on the wooden cupboard beside him which makes Jimin raise a bored eyebrow. Taehyung continues. "Will you tell me what the fuck happened there?", he seethes, annoyed.

"Watch your tone, Tae. Just because you're my husband's brother doesn't mean I'll let you off the hook every time you talk to me like that", Jimin says to him, not even sparing him a single glance, rummaging through his wardrobe instead.

"Oh, I'm just your husband's brother now? Right. It's not like we've been best of friends since childhood and I experience death every time you're in danger", Taehyung whispers the last part and he sounds so hurt it makes Jimin come back to his senses.

"Tae...", he starts softly, having pulled on an old hoodie (which probably belongs to Seokjin) that easily covers his thighs. When he takes a step forward, Taehyung takes one back, flinching like he's been burned.

"It's fine. I'll let Seokjin know you're fine. I have a few more tasks to monitor. If you'll excuse me", Taehyung says, in that overly formal, robotic voice he only uses with the people he's not close with.

Jimin watches him go with regret taking over his whole body. He sighs heavily and falls on his back on the bed, one arm covering his eyes. Involuntarily, a small sob leaves his mouth and he twists his body to the side, pressing half of his face into the soft mattress.

He hears the door opening and closing before Seokjin's voice resonates through the bedroom. "Jimin-ah, thank god you're okay. Taehyung just told me and I came rushing here. There wasn't much to do anyway. I think--- Jimin?", Seokjin pauses, sounding surprised.

Jimin tries so hard not to make a noise but a loud sob spills out of him anyway. In less than five seconds, Seokjin is carefully taking him in his arms, sitting himself on the bed. "What's wrong?", he asks gently and that makes Jimin cry harder.

He hides his face in his husband's shoulder, body shaking as he sobs, hands fisting on Seokjin's T-shirt. "I-I'm s-so s-sorry", he chokes out, coughing due to the force of his cries.

Seokjin doesn't say anything, just keeps rubbing his back soothingly, hoping it'd calm the younger down. He never wants to see his husband so distressed ever again. Jimin is usually so smug and vixen-like, it totally catches him off guard every time he breaks down.

But Seokjin also knows better than to try and whisper sweet nothings to Jimin. He hates those. Hates how uncertain it makes him feel, hates how it makes him feel like he's being wronged, like he's been pushed into something with a few fake comforting words.

"Would you like to tell me what's wrong, love?", Seokjin asks, gentle, so gentle a normal person would refuse to believe that he had been smashing one too many heads before entering his room.

"I'm s-scared", Jimin says quietly, hands wringing so much Seokjin worries his shirt is going to rip where he's holding onto it. "Of what, love? Tell me so I can help you out, hmm?", he caresses Jimin's cheek and then presses a long, lingering kiss on top of his jaw.

"I'm scared f-for Namjoon", Jimin finally says. Seokjin hums, eyebrows furrowing in concern as well. "Don't be. He's fine. Kian is looking out for him", he says even though there's a hollow feeling in his chest, like something is wrong.

"I know he is. But I d-don't know. I-I'm just getting this w-weird feeling that he's n-not okay and i-it's eating me up", Jimin confesses. "Love, is that why you didn't have a backup plan for today's mission?", Seokjin asks carefully.

When Jimin nods, he sighs heavily. "Look, Jimin. There are certain things this job doesn't allow us to do. And not having a safe back up plan is one of those things. You're worried about Namjoon, that's understandable. But Tae almost got ready to save you himself when he heard your voice sounding scared", Seokjin explains gently.

Jimin's eyes widen. He still feels guilty for not talking to Taehyung nicely but--- "I wasn't scared! I was just playing along with them for a while in order to trick them into thinking I had given up, so that they would let their guards down and give me a chance at an attack", he explains hastily.

"I know you weren't. Taehyung realised it, too, when we heard the recording again. You did great, love. But please take care of yourself. Namjoon would not want you to get hurt, okay?", Seokjin smiles sweetly at him.

Jimin rests his head on his chest, sighing out loud. "But Namjoon is still worrying me. Can't we just try to convince him once again? I'm sure he'll listen to us and come here. It's just for a few days, after all", he bites his lip.

Seokjin shakes his head. "I've known him since we were kids. As soft-spoken as he usually is, he'll never be afraid to voice out his opinions and what he thinks of people like us", he chuckles at that.

Jimin huffs out a chuckle, too. "I guess you're right. Pushing him to come and stay here might actually make him do the opposite. I guess we'll have to rely on Kian to keep Namjoon safe, even from afar".

Seokjin hums. "I guess you're right. I'll probably ask someone else from our team to join Kian tomorrow morning. Keeping an eye on Namjoon would be easier that way. I love my brother but he's really oblivious when it comes to people".

Jimin agrees with him wholeheartedly and leans up to peck Seokjin's lips as a thank you without having to actually say it.

"I just hope he doesn't invite trouble for himself".

This story is mainly namkook but will also focus on other characters and their stories!

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This story is mainly namkook but will also focus on other characters and their stories!

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