13. Don't Wake Me

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"Have you found anything yet?", Jackson asks, impatient. "There's nothing but useless medical papers, Jackson. Either Namjoon's way too discreet or he really has lost all contact as well as connection with his family", Jungkook sighs.

He's been searching through Namjoon's home office to find atleast a single trace of his family but as he's told Jackson, there's nothing. Jungkook has realised that Namjoon likes to read. Not just books, he likes to read anything that is two pages long. There are random magazine cutouts inside his work desk, newspaper columns on raising bonsais and how to care for them.

It frustrates as well as endears him at the same time. It's so like Namjoon to keep magazine papers on bonsais and wild fruits that are scary but fascinating. Namjoon really is the gentlest soul he's ever met in his life. The thought of hurting him— Jungkook shakes his head. Losing himself in these thoughts is never good. He has work that needs to be done.

"I just don't know wha—", Jungkook pauses when his eyes land upon a photo album nestled deep inside the desk's lower most drawer. His curiosity gets the best of him and as he opens the album, he's surprised at just how many pictures Namjoon has of his family he had supposedly abandoned. Before he can dwell on it though, he hears footsteps rushing towards the office.

"Jackson, I think Namjoon's back. I'll call you later", Jungkook quickly hangs up. Coming up with a plan on the spot, Jungkook pulls hard enough to make Namjoon's work desk crash onto the floor. The already fast footsteps sound faster as Namjoon comes rushing in, wide eyed and alarmed.

"Jungkook! What happened?! Are you okay? What's going o— oh my god. What happened here?!", Namjoon yells, shocked at seeing his precious, expensive bocote wood desk on the floor, all his files lying in a heap on the floor, drawers coming lose. His office looks like a warzone.

Jungkook looks up at him with faux guilt in his eyes, biting his lower lip to make himself look more pitiful. "I'm sorry, hyung. You said I could read any book from your collection so I came into your office to get one but I stumbled and made this mess", he keeps his gaze locked at his feet.

He hears Namjoon sigh, not in annoyance but in reluctant understanding. Jungkook doesn't understand how someone can be so naive, so easily trusting. Why can't Namjoon just be an arrogant asshole and make it easy for Jungkook to detach himself from him?

"It's okay. Let's clean it up together. I'll arrange the files, you can put away all the stationary and equipments", Namjoon gives him a small smile. Jungkook gets to work immediately. He needs to put his plan into motion.

His eyes immediately land on the photo album he'd seen earlier and he picks it up only to pretend to drop it once again. Namjoon's reaction is immediate as the album falls open to a picture of him and Seokjin. It's from Seokjin's visit last year when he'd forced Namjoon to take a picture with him so he could blackmail him into behaving, unless he wanted the whole world to know that Dr. Kim came from a family of murderers and drug lords.

Horrified, he snatches the album from the ground before Jungkook can get his hands on it.  Feigning shock, Jungkook stands up on shaky legs. (He deserves a raise for his impromptu acting scenes). "H-Hyung, is that Kim Seokjin and—", he slaps a hand over his mouth, shaking his head.

Namjoon's eyes start watering, terrified. Jungkook had just seen his pictures with Seokjin. Kim Seokjin, a criminal. The most wanted mob boss in the country. This is exactly what Namjoon had always been scared of. This is why he wanted nothing to do with his "family", to keep them at a distance. If their identity in relation to him is ever exposed, he'd lose everything.

Like now.

"Hyung, please don't cry", Jungkook's voice breaks. He pretends it's just him acting extra good, pretends it's not the sight of Namjoon's tear-filled eyes that's affecting him. Namjoon crumbles onto the floor despite Jungkook's words, bringing his head to his knees and sobbing insistently.

Jungkook is, admittedly, more than a little surprised. He'd known that Namjoon wasn't fond of his familial connections with The Serpentines but he hadn't expected him to break down over a photo album he could surely lie about.  He crouches down besides the doctor.

Carefully, he rests his hand atop Namjoon's forearm, urging him to look up. Jungkook wavers a little when Namjoon's soft, sad eyes look into his own. Tears drip down his face in a steady stream. He looks so pitiful like this, curled up on himself, eyes red and teary, longing from any sort of comfort from his enemy.

Yet, Jungkook finds him to be the most beautiful man at that moment.

It's hard for him to focus on deluding Namjoon when the doctor looks so vulnerable and broken, wanting nothing more than words of reassurance from his lover (Is that what Jungkook is?). Maybe a hug. Maybe a kiss on the forehead to make it all right.

But Jungkook cannot be sidetracked. He needs to hit the iron when it's still hot.

And so, he strikes.

"Hyung, please. You need to stop crying. I can't see you like this", he begs. It takes a few more gentle words to coax Namjoon into calming down and when he eventually does, Jungkook doesn't waste a second.

"Okay, I know this is hard for you but you understand why I'm shocked and— and hurt, right?" Namjoon just nods, not meeting his eyes. He feels guilty for hiding this from Jungkook. He could've potentially endangered him. Jungkook didn't ask for it.

"Okay, so I trust that you have a reason to have that picture in your desk, or to even have a picture with Kim Seokjin at all. And I need answers, hyung. Who is he? What is he to you? Why— Why would you even associate yourself with a murderer?"

Jungkook holds back his laugh as he asks the last question. As if he hasn't killed more men than Seokjin could count on his ten fingers.

Namjoon takes a deep breath, bracing himself to spill the truth. If Jungkook decides to leave right after listening to his explanation, he would respect his call.

"Kim Seokjin. He's— He's my cousin. My cousin brother".

Had to re-read *again*  to remember what bs I wrote earlier

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Had to re-read *again*  to remember what bs I wrote earlier. Updated this in honor of Jimin's album release. It's been sitting in my drafts for so long. I hadn't been a 100% happy with this chapter but I did some editing and this is as good as it gets. I'll try to be more consistent with my updates tho, as long as this stupid writer's block doesn't fuck me over.

Love, KK💜

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