11. Love the way you Lie

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"Taehyung", Jimin sighs. Taehyung ignores him. Just like he's been doing all week. If Jimin is going to be so dismissive of his concerns, he's going to do the same. Two can play the game. Platonic soulmates be damned (not really, but you get the emotion).

"Tae, come on. Don't be like that. I said I'm sorry", Jimin whines. It's good they're not surrounded by their men right now. He doesn't think they would respect Taehyung the way they do now if they saw him pouting like this. After all, his soulmate does have the reputation of being a cold-blooded murderer.

"You're apologizing now but I know you'll hurt me again when you feel like it", Taehyung says and immediately regrets it because he knows Jimin would never hurt him intentionally. He just can't control what he says when he's overflowing with many different emotions. He won't apologize, though. Not before Jimin manages to cajole him. Taehyung also has a reputation of having a big ego.

"Taehyungie", Jimin says softly, a little hurt. Finally gaining the courage to touch Taehyung, he wraps his arms around his waist from behind. He knows Taehyung doesn't like being touched when he's angry but he feels like they both need the comfort of skin ship right now.

"I'm sorry for being mean. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so lucky to have you in my life, Tae. I swear I'd run away with you if Seokjin wasn't your brother", Jimin says with so much surity that Taehyung has to snort. Such a bullshitter.

He elbows the man in the stomach. "Ow, what was that for!", Jimin yelps but doesn't let go of Taehyung. "You realise you're literally admitting to me that you'd cheat on my brother for me?", he asks with a barely concealed laugh, incredulous. Jimin never fails to surprise him.

Jimin simply shrugs, bringing his chin to rest it on Taehyung's shoulder. It's one of his most favorite things to do. "Duh. Seokjin already knows that Taehyungie always comes first. He's known since our very first date. I don't think he'd be too surprised if we eloped. It's just Yoongi who's in our way right now", he says, keeping his expression extremely serious.

And Taehyung can't help it. He bursts out laughing, his big, boxy smile adorning his beautiful face. He laughs in a way only Jimin can make him laugh. "You're—", he gasps for air, still laughing loudly. "You're ridiculous!"

Jimin just hugs him tighter, smiling, soaking in Taehyung's contagious happiness. He waits for Taehyung's laughter to die down before mumbling into his shirt. "I'm sorry, Taehyungie. I love you so much. Forgive me?", he asks, looking at the other with wide, shiny eyes.

Taehyung sighs and turns around in his hold. He brings his hands to Jimin's cheeks, cupping his face. "Stupid, I forgave you a long time ago. I just wanted you to understand why I was so worried. You're so important to me, Jiminie", he says softly, looking into his eyes.

Jimin holds both of his hands over his cheeks, squeezing gently. "I know, Taehyungie. I'm sorry, I was just worried about Namjoonie. You're not just my husband's brother. You're— you're—", Jimin starts and Taehyung is anticipating his next words, wanting him to finish his sentence.

"You're capable enough to be my husband!"

It takes Taehyung a moment to realise what Jimin just said and when he does, Jimin's loud (and obnoxious) laughter fills his ears. "Yah! You're crazy!", he yells, rushing after the shorter man as he starts running away from him, both laughing happily even as Taehyung pretends to be annoyed.

Meanwhile, Seokjin and Yoongi are watching the scene unfold from afar, talking between themselves.

"So, who's getting the divorce papers ready?", Seokjin asks Yoongi. The younger shrugs. "I don't know. You tell me", he says. Seokjin sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "No one would ever believe that they're associated with a gang like ours. No one would even assume they could be assassins", he says, sounding somewhat amused.

Yoongi watches the two carefully, laughing and running like normal friends in their early twenties. Except, nothing about them is normal. They're both murderers. Professional killers. Assassins. It's chilling to even think they could be so double-faced. He shrugs again.

"Well, that sounds like a good thing to me".


"Will you kiss me if I asked?"

"Jungkook", Namjoon says out loud, breathless. His fingers are twitching to touch Jungkook, to hold him in his arms. But he hasn't gotten the signal yet. "Tell me, hyung. Will you?", Jungkook asks again and Namjoon shivers from how close his voice sounds.

"Yes", he answers, mind fuzzy with an overwhelming need to just— kiss. To slot his mouth together with Jungkook's. To glide over those perfect pair of lips. He wonders whether they'll be soft or rough. He honestly doesn't mind either of those— uh, textures.

"Then, kiss me", Jungkook says— orders— and before Namjoon knows it, Jungkook is straddling his waist in the dark, pinning his arms above his head. "Please", Jungkook whispers, his breath fanning upon Namjoon's lips.

And that's all the persuasion Namjoon needs to free his wrists from Jungkook's grip and grab him by the hair, pushing their lips together. His other hand comes to squeeze Jungkook's waist and the younger moans into his mouth. It has Namjoon's head spinning.

They're soft— Jungkook's lips. Their mouths move on their own accord, as if they've got two minds of their own. Nothing about the kiss is sweet and sensual. Instead, it's rough and wild. Namjoon loves it.

He glides his tongue over Jungkook's lips, forcing him to open his mouth. Their tongues glide over each other, fighting for dominance. But of course, it's Namjoon who wins the battle at last. "More", Jungkook breathes heavily, parting from Namjoon just to inhale deeply before diving back in.

Namjoon removes his fingers from Jungkook's hair in favor of bringing both of his hands on Jungkook's hips, gripping so tightly he's sure he'll get bruises in the morning. He doesn't want to stop even though he knows he has to. This is something straight out of his wet dreams. Which Jungkook hasn't yet featured in. But with today's events, he's not sure that would be the case anymore.

"You're so good for me", Namjoon murmurs against the younger's lips. Another ragged moan leaves Jungkook's throat and Namjoon just wants to keep kissing him. Again, and again, and again.

Sadly, that's not really possible.

He slowly detaches himself from the younger who whines at the lack of a warm, wet mouth over his. Namjoon shushes him gently, laying his head on his own chest, not noticing the way Jungkook smirks in triumphant. Happy his plan worked. The weird, guilty feeling in his chest is still lingering but he ignores it for now.

If he doesn't acknowledge it, maybe it'll go away.

"It's late, Jungkookie. Let's talk about it tomorrow. Good night", Namjoon whispers, pressing a kiss onto Jungkook's hair, caressing his back. The younger makes himself comfortable on top of him, enjoying the warmth radiating off of him. He hums happily.

"Good night, hyung".

In case you didn't read my announcement, two chapters of Nostalgia will be updated next week since I skipped yesterday's update

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In case you didn't read my announcement, two chapters of Nostalgia will be updated next week since I skipped yesterday's update. The reason is quite simple: both the chapters are super related and I don't wanna make y'all impatient lol. So, yeah, both the chapters will be updated coming Friday. Thank you for being patient and take care of yourselves!

Love, KK 💜

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