chapter 3

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The two sat at each other looking uncomfortable

"Did he just-"

"He did.."

Kenma and Akaashi have some sort of power where they can read each other's minds. Both of them are quiet and hate confrontation so this way is more suitable for them.

"Alright, guys. There isn't much to say. You beauties are hired" he smiled "The salary here is 1000 yen an hour (9.50usd) which is a bit more than other cafes nearby. 

"You can start working tomorrow. Oh and if you need any extra cash call me" he said smirking letting them leave

Kenma and Akaashi walked out of the cafe in a nervous way

"I don't think a cafe job is enough for us.."

"We will be fine for now. We just need to save up and maybe try selling your ga-"



"So let's just go back home then eat instant ramen then do our own things"

"I have to stream. I'll probably get a few hundred yen (dollars) if I get somewhat famous"

"Rooting for you!!!" Akaashi smiled

"Let's go back to the shitty apartment"

"God why can't we just be rich"


They went back to their apartment and Kenma started streaming

"Hey everyone! I mean there are only like two people which is probably Akaashi's two accounts but hi! My name Kenma" 

"Um today we will play Minecraft! Oh welcome chicken ball?" he said in a confused tone "Cute name"

An hour and a half later he was still playing and the only viewer was chickenball

"So my bestie and I made a little house after I forced him to join me and-"

chickenball donated  30,000 yen (30usd): Akaashi!

"WAIT WHAT thank you so much for the money! I appreciate it so so much and..Huh..Yeah I'm talking about him.." he zoned out for a second 

"Oh sorry you remind me of somebody" implying Kuroo "But anyways thank you so so so much"

"Kenma?" Akaashi knocked the door


"Ramen is readyy!"

"Yay! Bye to whoever is still watching! Make sure to share my twitch and follow me on Instagram! Applepi is signing out!"

He turned off the stream

"Jesus christ that was hard"

"Hi I'm kenma uwu!! I'm so cute" Akaashi mocked him

"Shut the fuck up. Oh also dude someone name chickenball fucking sent me 30,000 yen"

"No way"


"I won't tease you anymore since you might be famous one day"

"You better"


Yet again, Akaashi's alarm rang

"Fuck. Four more days till the weekend I got this but let me sleep first" he hit snooze

After a few minutes, he finally got out of bed and woke up Kenma

"Kashi wait a few more-"

"Get the fuck up"


Kenma's room was surprisingly tidy thanks to Akaashi. Their apartment wasn't big and it was super compact since it was what they could afford.

The male pulled out a book from his bag and read until Kenma got ready which didn't take very long

"Let's go" Kenma got a bottle of the green monster from the mini fridge

"Didn't you drink like six-"



They walked out of the door and started walking to the university

"What a lovely day"

"Too bright."

"The sun isn't even visible"

"Yeah oh wait we need to meet up after class to work"

"The manager is so creepy dude"

"Nah I think he's okay"

The two was about to part ways to attend their classes when two males walked towards them

"Hi I'm Oikawa and this is Iwa-chan but call him Iwa or Iwazumi because only I can call my Iwa-chan Iwa-chan" he smiled "Anyways you guys are so pretty! You should sit with us at lunch I'm a freshie too"

"Sure babe" Kashi smiled

"Kay" Kenma looked up from his game

"Let me get your socials"

The four traded their Instagrams, numbers, and Kenma made Oikawa download twitch just to subscribe to his channel.

"Bye Kawa!" they waved

"Bye!! See you at lunch" Oikawa sent flying kisses

"Bye" Iwazumi smiled

"They are the gayest motherfuckers I have ever seen"


"Agree. Also, they seem so nice. Are they dating?"

"Probably..we should hang with them"

"For some reason, both of them look awfully familiar"

"Yeah" the bell rang "Shit we both are late"

The two ran opposite ways to their class






iwazumi hajime(27) athletic trainer? no. iwazumi hajime (19) college student.

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