chapter 21

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Akaashi ate his last bite of his panackes.

"You done?" Kenma asked

"Yeah. Let's go" they stood up and walked to the cafe

They entered the cafe

"Hi boss!" Akaashi smiled. Akihiko looked uneasy and scared.

"Weird" Kenma muttered seeing his bosses face


"Hi guysss" Suga was making drinks. The cafe was usually packed in the mornings instead of the afternoon

"We'll just go change" Akaashi walked inside the changing room with Kenma. He got his key and unlocked his locker to get his uniform

"Hey, Kenma did you notice how boss was today?"

"Yeah, he looked fucking petrified. What's up with him"

"I don't know. He was at the party you know"

"Isn't he like 40 what is he doing" Kenma giggled "Did you hang out with him?"

"Yep. Terushima didn't even show up."

"Suna went to his boyfriend so I was alone too. You know me I get memory loss when I'm wasted so I don't know what happened next"

"I have good memory while drinking but I forgot everything that happened before chatting with Boss"

"That's strange.." Kenma huffed

"Mhm. Let's go? I hear some shouting outside I don't know why"

"Same..Let's go"

They walked out and see two familiar people

"Not again" Kenma sighed in nervousness

"What the fuck are you guys doing here?" Akaashi deadpanned (no costumers r inside anymore)

"Akaashi!" Bokuto ran

"Stay behind the counter," Suga said firmly

"Sorry. Akaashi I need you to leave your job."

"What?" Akaashi looked at his boss shaking "Why the actual fuck is my boss shaking. What have you done? Are you crazy?"

"No no no he is the crazy one"

"Okay wait wait wait. You, Kashi, and Kashi's boss talking in a private space" Kuroo tried to calm everyone down "Kens maybe you can I could talk?"

"First of all do not call him Kashi and don't call me Kens. You don't know us anymore at least show some respect." Kenma rolled his eyes

"I don't wanna talk"

"Akaashi, please. It's for your own safety"

"Kashi I think you should hear what he says." Suga reasoned out

"If it's for my "safety" sure. But the moment it gets off topic you're leaving." Akaashi walked with his boss to the office "Hurry up I still have to work"

Bokuto quickly ran inside

It was now silence. Only Suga, Kenma, and Kuroo were in the room.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Suga ran away

It was even more silence


"Kuroo I hate you." Kenma sighed tears forming. Kenma never cried in front of anyone before. The only time was when Kuroo graduated.

"Kenma I'm sorry" Kuroo hugged Kenma

"I hate you I hate you" he hit Kuroo's chest multiple times "I fucking hate you"

"I know" Kuroo whispered

Kenma pushed him away

"As much as I want to. You left me. Without a word. You were my best friend" his voice broke "I never let people run over me. So if you're here to apologize I'm not accepting it."

"Kenma I'm so-"

"No. Do you fucking know what I've been through? A hundred apologies won't even be close for me to forgive you."

"I don't care if you stay or leave. I'm going inside the room because I person I actually love is with someone as shitty as you. I'm going in"

"Wait you and Akaashi are dating?"

"No you idiot." Kenma walked faster to the office

 "Who are you to assume I'm gay" he slammed the door

"Wow" Kuroo stood still "I really thought we were in love all those years. I didn't know it was one-sided"






guys this chapter is angsty in the end. this part of the fic is more angstyish oops sorry

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