chapter 10

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Akaashi woke up on his bed with the worst headache

"What the fuck happened" he tried to remember what happened and it hit him "Oh shit"






Flashback end

He quickly got up and went to Kenma's room

"Kens?" he gently patted him

"Hmm?" his eyes flickered up

"Last. Night."

"Oh, shit"

"Meet me in the kitchen in 15 minutes. I'll make breakfast and hangover juice."

"Mhm do we have pain killers?"

"Yeah, I got some from Iwaoi's apartment before we left"


"Iwazumi and Oikawa"

"What the fuck cringe"

"Shut the fuck up and get changed"

Akaashi heated up the rice he made the day before. While that was heating he got eggs from the freezer and cracked five into the bowl. He took chopsticks and started scrambling it. Akaashi turned on the gas and placed an oiled up pan

"Fuck I think the oil is gonna fly" as he poured in the eggs into the pan

Akaashi went back two steps in fear of the popping oil

Once the eggs settled down he flipped them

"KENMA I MADE FOOD" the scrambled eggs slipped into a plate while he opened the microwave to get the rice

"Ok I'm here" Kenma walked in with a pill in his mouth

"Kenma is that pain killer"

"Mhm. I need water"

"Kens you're supposed to take them with a full stomach" he frowned

"Oops" he spit it out

"Gross. Anyways let's eat"

Akaashi sat down on the floor since they had no furniture nor space for a table. He set the food on the floor as well

"Here" Kenma gave Akaashi a plate and chopsticks

They started eating in silence

"Let's talk"

"I thought you were moved on from Bokuto" Kenma then stuffed his mouth with egg and rice

"WHAT I am??"

"No?? All the time you're like it's about time you move on from Kuroo then last night you started sobbing"



"Ok I admit I am not fully moved on"

"FINALLY" Kenma sighed "You finally admitted"

"We just gotta find some new people"

"But how" "When Monday comes let's look for boys at the uni"

"They are all probably straight."

"Friends??" Akaashi said

"I don't want friends. And what are you on about you're scared"


"Of commitment"


"How about this Kashi. The person will come to us. In the meantime we just need to talk to guys for fun"


"Well I gotta stream"

"I gotta take a phone call- Oh did I tell you"

"Tell me what"

"I do hotline calls. It's about time I tell you"

"I know. I have ears you know"


"Have fun" Kenma walked into his room with a shit eating grin
akaashi and i both have commitment

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