chapter 44

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Unknown: I moved the date. I'll see you in two days. If you don't abide you know what will happen.

Akaashi took a deep breath in

Akaashi: Alright.

Unknown: When you talked to Kenma why did you say saucer?

Akaashi: Nickname.

Unknown: Okay darling.


"Holy shit. Saucer. Why didn't I realize" Kenma gasped. His face turned to complete horror. Kenma quickly got off his bed and ran out of his apartment.

"KUROO OPEN UP" Kenma banged Kuroo's door so loud while spamming the doorbell

"Kenma?" Kuroo opened the door with a yawn

"Saucer" Kenma start crying and trembling

"Kenma what happened?" Kuroo wrapped his hands around Kenma as the crying male went limp "Alright let's go inside"

Kuroo carried Kenma to his couch, who was still sobbing uncontrollably

"Kenma you're safe. Take deep breaths so you can tell me what happened" Kuroo whispered as he rubbed Kenma's back

A few minutes go by and Kenma's cries slowly came to a stop

"Kitten are you ready to tell me now?" Kuroo rubbed his thumb against Kenma's cheek

"Saucer. When it was just me and Akaashi, we would always run into uncomfy situations with pervs and people in general. Both of us have anxiety so we couldn't really speak up. So if we were in a dangerous situation our nicknames for eachother would be "Saucer". "

"Are you crying about your memories wi-"

"No. When Akaashi left he told me "Goodbye Saucer". Kuroo Akaashi is in trouble."

"Holy shit. No wonder. This shit was so unexpected I knew something was up."

"Kuroo when Bokuto is back to his normal state we have to tell him this."

"Of course. I'll take a break from work to help you with Akaashi."

"Actually I need to go to work. I'm gonna tap into Akaashi's phone. When Akaashi was acting weird, he removed my thumbprint. He is trying to hide something on his phone."


"I'm not sure why or what is the reason. So we are going to have to ask Bokuto."

"Alright. If anything gets too much I'll take lead of Operantion Save Akaashi."

"Kuroo we are not gonna call this Operantion Save Akaashi." Kenma yawned

"It seems that your tired and we have nothing to do futhermore till Bokuto wakes up. Let's go to bed?"


Kuroo carried Kenma to his bed.






hi guys sorry for not uploading yesterday. basically two of my friends came over for a sleepover and mid way i had an emotional breakdown and they just left so yeah😍

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