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The waves were gently crashing onto the shore. The temperate climate put a smile on my face, especially when the wind gently ruffled my chocolate waves. I let out a deep sigh as I felt the tension dissipate from my shoulders. Is this what paradise truly feels like? Having sand between your toes and an ice cold drink in your hands? Well if it is... then I've reached paradise. My feet padded along the coast while the waves temporarily submerged my feet only for it to reveal my toes after a few moments. I saw a pretty shell and went to pick it up-

Honk Honk

UGH! You've got to be kidding me! I was having a great dreeeeeeeeam! The honking didn't cease until I felt my dad gently knock against my door before opening it. I hid under the covers as he lightly chuckled.

"Ken, I don't think she's gonna stop until you get up."

"Why do you always have to take her side?" I whined which made my dad laugh even louder.

"Up you go, Ken. We don't want you late for school now." I squealed as he removed my covers. "It's also rude to keep people waiting." He replied over his shoulder as he walked out.

"It's not like this isn't a routine or anything." I muttered as I got out my bed. I did a stretch while yawning before making my way into the bathroom. I'm so sleepy! I guess going to bed at 3am and then having to wake up at 7... 7:15 isn't ideal. But it's really not my fault. Netflix is just suuuuuper addicting.

Seriously?! I accidentally squeezed the tube of toothpaste too hard so it squirted on my mirror. If this is how my day is gonna go, then I'd rather just crawl back under my covers.

I quickly did my routine and threw on a sweatshirt and jeans. I descended the stairs to see my dad and Yuna happily munching away on pancakes.

 I descended the stairs to see my dad and Yuna happily munching away on pancakes

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"Look who finally decided to grace us with her presence!" My dad boomed. I rolled my eyes at him. It's way too early for the teasing to begin. Yuna giggled before sliding a plate of pancakes towards me.

"Because you took your sweet little time, we have to leave in 5 minutes or we'll be late." Yuna smirked at me. I groaned even louder before stuffing my face. Yuna's eyes widened at my actions. "Slow down! We don't want you choking!"

"Relax a little, Yuna. She's not gonna die on you." My dad reassured her. Yuna nodded her head, but her shoulders were still visibly tense. To ease her suffering, I slowed down while quickly finishing my meal.

I gave my dad a tight hug and grabbed my backpack before following Yuna out the house. We got into her little Volvo and made our way to school. This has been our routine everyday for as long as I can remember. Even when Yuna couldn't drive, she'd always come over my house and my dad would take us to school. The dynamics sort of changed when she turned 16 since she could legally take me to school. And before you ask... NO! I don't have my license. I've tried and failed the test 3 times, so it's clearly not in my destiny to drive. Surprisingly, Yuna never gets annoyed at having to take me places. I guess that's what happens when you're best friends.

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