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My reaction was a little delayed, but when I finally processed what she said, I screamed bloody murder... part 2. I rummaged through my room to find something, anything, to defend myself against her.

What are you doing?

"Defending myself from you." I simply stated.

"With a ruler?"

"Leave me alone!"

I can't. I'm bound to you.

"Then unbound yourself."

It's not that easy, little human.

I huffed and then flopped onto my bed. "You're making me go crazy. Why are you bound to me?"

I told you. You and your friends summoned me and then bound me to you.

"Not my friends." I grumbled. I flipped onto my stomach and started scanning the room. "How come I can't see you?"

Because then I couldn't torment you in your mind. The voice cackled. Anyways, I need you to get that book.


Because I need it and if you don't then I'll kill you. My breath hitched in my throat. She'll... kill me? She's definitely not a friendly demon. No, I'm not.

"Damn. I forgot you can read my mind."

I can't really. It's just that we're sharing the same consciousness, so your thoughts pass through me as well. Now! I jumped at her booming tone. Find the book.

"What's your name?"

What about me killing you don't you seem to get? Find the book, Kennedy.

"How do you know my name?" My voice shook in fear. She remained quiet which caused me to let out a sigh. I'm in deep shit. I remember that Max had the book, but I don't know if he left it at the house or took it home with him. He seemed really drunk so I assume he left it at Zack's place. The only problem is that Zack is on the lacrosse team and they have an away game today which means he's not home. I can't believe I'm gonna have to break into his home. I briefly remember how to get there, so I called an Uber and put Target as the location. Since his home is close to Target, I'll just walk there.


I stood outside the back patio. I noticed his parents' cars weren't here, so that means no one is home. How am I supposed to get in though?!

Look for a key. Humans love hiding stuff like that.

I began searching around the perimeter for a key and all but gave up until I saw something gleaming under a rock. I picked it up and opened the door. How come they don't have alarms on. I retraced my steps through the house until I found the room where we summoned this devil in my mind.


I ignored her and searched for the book. Like I suspected, it was still there. I reached for the book and stopped when my hand was an inch from it.

Why'd you stop? Get it!

"No." I defiantly stated and stood erect while crossing my arms.

What do you mean "no"? Grab the book or I'll kill you!

"No you won't." I confidently smirked and strutted out the house.

You are heavily mistaken, mortal.

My Demonic AngelWhere stories live. Discover now