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Third Person POV

"I-I apologize, y-your majesty." The servant kept his head down. His voice shook with every word exiting his mouth. "Th-they escaped. We-" He didn't get a chance to finish. A hand had reached through the blanketed darkness and pointed to the left.

He screamed in fear as guards were flanking him at once. They dragged the man who kicked and screamed. He was most certainly about to cease existing in this realm. Knowing the precedent, he'd be subjected to having his skin peeled off layer by layer for eternity.

The hand that pointed to the left, slowly retracted into the pointer and middle finger, motioning forwards. A man, with short black hair, kneeled before the throne. He took a moment to steal his voice and not appear terrified.

"My apologies, your excellency. I have failed to bring you what you desired most." He really wished Nyx hadn't betrayed them. It was widely known that when the Queen was angered, to feed her Nyx. She ate Nyx, quite literally.

"Why must I show mercy when I only asked for one thing?" Her velvety voice was like an ice cold shiver. Damien had to resist the urge to cower in her presence. She wouldn't want a fearful leader.

"We had an unexpected betrayal."

"Hmm..." That caught the Queen's attention. "Do tell, loyal soldier." She mocked him.

"Nyx." The Queen tightened her grip on her throne, crushing the wood underneath. "She has betrayed us to join the light side. The Angels of Death fought against our forces. We were blindsided and not prepared for this level of betrayal." He felt his heartbeat quicken. The Queen made no sound, which only terrified him even more.

"Nyx." The Queen allowed the girl's name to fall from her lips. She drummed her fingers against the arm rest. "Has my sister tempted you over me?" She harshly spat and ripped the armrest off. "Find her!"

The Queen stood up and elegantly descended the stairs. The farther she walked down, the more the light fell onto her face. Her hips swayed the skin tight green dress. Her black hair moved with every fluid motion.

"Must I repeat myself again?" She grabbed Damien by his throat and pulled him up to eye level. Her emerald eyes burned into Damien's soul. He cowered as she gripped his throat tighter. "Pathetic." She tossed him to the side.

Damien groaned when he crashed into the wall. He struggled to stand up, but knew he had to show strength.

"Nyx has entered the light realm." The Queen's eyes turned a shade darker.


"She surrendered herself to Queen Adira-"

The Queen sped over to Damien and crushed his neck. He started wincing in pain. She brought her heel down and crushed several of his ribs. She then crouched down and twisted his nose until it broke.

"Listen to me, soldier." She paused and roamed her eyes over the other guards in the room. "The same goes for all of you. Never! Ever! Refer to my sister as Queen. I am the one and only Queen. You will all know and see that when she is no more. Queen Lilitu will be the only name gracing that title." She then bashed Damien's head into the ground.

Lilitu walked out the room. She headed straight for her advisor's room. Anyone who saw her coming quickly scattered out the way. If they were too slow, Lilitu would behead them in one swift motion. She was livid now. How dare her sister allow her toy inside her realm?! Seeking shelter as if she's a refuge?!

She burst through the advisors office. He quickly stood up and bowed to her. She slammed the door shut and pinned him to the wall. He let out a yelp as he avoided eye contact.

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