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(This one is long)

Nyx's POV

The moment Kenny left, I decided to return to my meditation. I can't believe I allowed myself to be captured. It just simply isn't in my nature to allow someone else to have power over me. At least, that's what I would've said before meeting that beautiful human girl.

The only reason I allowed myself to be captured is because I want to keep an eye on her and make sure she's safe here. I know the people will reject her at first and I don't want anything bad to happen to her.

I let out a slow breath and relaxed my breathing. I began to reminisce on the events that resulted in my current situation.



"Well, this was a waste of time." Zeli absentmindedly tossed the severed head to the side.

She flipped her blond locks to the side and observed the carnage. Onyx jumped down from the loft and landed on a corpse. She continued mutilating it for fun. I sighed in annoyance.

We've been trying to find queen Adira's daughter for the last 17 years. Queen Lilitu had become increasingly agitated that the child hadn't been found. From the moment of the child's birth, she'd sent countless demons to murder the kid. Her assassins have yet to provide anything. When they'd give a status report, she'd enter into a fit of rage and kill them instantly. The only reason why my friends and I are still alive is because we're the best. She can't get rid of us because if the Angels of Death can't find the child, then no one can.

The reason we are in a corpse filled bar is because we had received word that a demon knew of the child's whereabouts. As you can guess, it was a lie. My friends and I decided that we should make a statement to not waste our time in the future. That led to us murdering everyone inside.

"I don't know why we just don't enter into the human realm and search for her." Onyx laid across the table.

"Because we have no idea where to begin looking. And we would be at a disadvantage since we don't normally go there." Zeli answered.

"We also don't need the light angels knowing our every move." I cleaned the blood off one of my blades.

"This is sooooooo annoying though. Why doesn't Queen Lilitu just snap her fingers and end the girl's life since she's sooooo powerful." Onyx mocked the Queen, earning a smirk from me and a glare from Zeli.

The thing is that Queen Lilitu claims to be the most powerful being ever to grace the world. She constantly insults her sister's power and claims that the light angels are like "ants under a boot. Ready to be crushed at any moment."

If they were really that weak and she was really that strong, wouldn't she have killed them already? Queen Lilitu has to make such vast variances in her power (or false claims in my book) to keep the demons in her realm under control. She can't incite doubt into their minds by revealing just how powerful queen Adira truly is.

"We should go. Our auras are sure to attract more lowlifes." Zeli exited the bar.

Onyx jumped up and threw some of the alcohol in her sack. She then slung the sack over her shoulders and made her way outside. Onyx began to crack jokes and tell outrageous tales to keep us occupied as we trekked through the barren landscape.

We had crossed into the wasteland area of the realm since we thought the information the "informant" claimed to have would've been viable. Now, we decided to walk back to the city so we could delay speaking to Queen Lilitu about our failure. To be more specific, I'd be the one informing the Queen since I was the "leader." I don't really like that term since I consider my friends to be my equal.

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