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I was in for a rude awakening when I woke up. The council had requested my presence while they discussed some interesting issues. Apparently, one of Queen Lilitu's advisors delivered a message.

Adira, it pains me to acknowledge someone so weak as my blood. Nevertheless, I'll get to the point and spare my head the pain of having to think about you. Release the child from your realm, or I will formally enact war, for you harbor a crime. That little abomination is apart of your sins that you must rebuke. If you continue sheltering her from her impending doom, I'll be forced to invade your realm and slaughter your people. Also, deliver me the demon. No longer shall she seek refuge. Deliver her, for she is to be punished accordingly. I'll give you three days to answer. Do not keep me waiting. I'll be sending things to prompt your answer.

The guard recited everything he had been told word for word. The council shuddered after each word. The royal advisors and my mother didn't react. It was as if they weren't surprised. Like they expected this and had time to concoct a plan.

"We must get rid of your daughter!"

"Deliver her back to the human realm!"

"Kill her!" The advisors and my mom glared at that particular councilman. They really are a bunch of pansies.

"Please, your majesty. Think about the goodness of the kingdom and not acting out of selfishness!"

"Enough." My mother's voice ran cold. "Ajax." She motioned for him to speak.

"We are entering dark times. We must be ready for war and not cower in fear. Our Queen will lead us to victory. We've never lost a fight where she battled alongside us, so there shall be no difference now. Your fear of the unknown leads you to push for the elimination of an innocent life. Think of the advantage we would have over the dark with Kennedy at our side." Ajax acknowledged me. "She will join us in crushing the dark forces. Now, we will not put the people of this kingdom in harm's way. We will escort her out the realm."

My eyes widened while the council members clapped and cheered. My mom was going to allow my aunt to kill me?! My mom turned to me and offered a reassuring smile. She totally has a plan.

"We will train Kennedy in the human realm to fight against Lilitu. But, I have a curveball when it comes to training and defending the princess... come in." The doors opened and Nyx walked in. She smirked as the council members gasped and shuddered in fear of her. She waved to show off her unchained wrists.

"Before you say anything, Nyx is loyal to the princess who in turn is loyal to her kingdom. We have the Angels of Death on our side as well as the hybrid. We are bound to win!" Ajax said with such conviction that the members erupted in cheers. Ajax truly has a way with words.

The meeting ended with the council members pledging eternal loyalty to me and my mother. How on earth did they change their views that quickly? So you're telling me that we should've just had Ajax speak from the beginning?!

"Nyx, how long until they arrive?" Ajax spoke.

"Please, they've been frolicking around the kingdom for the last few hours." She wrapped her arms around me.

"Excuse me?" My mother raised her brow. I wasn't sure if it was because Nyx's friends were here or because of her affection towards me.

"Wait. Isn't Hailey like a..." I didn't know how to ask if she was a double agent or not?

"What is it, love?" Nyx kissed my cheek.

"Umm... never mind-"

"No, I'm not a double agent. It's just a bit complicated." Hailey answered my question. "Perhaps, you'll understand more sooner rather than later."

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