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I felt the sunlight beaming at me through my closed eyelids. I squeezed my eyes even tighter, as if it would block out the light more. I slowly opened my eyes only to squeeze them shut again. My head felt like it was ringing. Must be the effects of the alcohol and drugs. I slowly sat up and ran a hand through my hair. I began to vaguely remember last night's events. Kyle forced me to go to the bar, then he drugged me and threatened to rape me, I left the bar and hid in an alleyway to avoid him, then there were these guys who wanted to rape me. I'm sensing a common theme with these men. I shook my head which caused me to squeeze my eyes shut. Damn! That hurts. I remember blacking out before seeing my savior's face. I have a feeling it was the mysterious voice in my head. Just my luck though! I meet the person when I'm intoxicated. I threw the covers off my body and stood up. I started to walk, but didn't make it far as my knees buckled. I expected to be met with the ground, not with arms protectively wrapped around me.

"Looks like you also meet the person when you're hungover." Oh, shit! I knew that voice which was the reason I found my feet more interesting than meeting her gaze. By now, I knew for a fact she was a she by her frame. I slowly peeled my eyes from the ground and traveled up her gorgeous body until I settled on her face. Fuck!

When she told me she was a demon, I was expecting like a heavily tatted person with an obscene amount of earrings. I was also thinking spiky dark hair, leather jacket (that's the only thing about her appearance I got correct), and maybe some scars. Someone who screamed "I LOVE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE or PANIC." What I wasn't expecting was her breathtakingly gorgeous appearance.

She had wavy, long blond hair. Her eyes were crystal blue and her teeth were whiter than snow. Her lips curved up into a smirk the longer I drank her appearance in. She was by far the most gorgeous person I've ever laid my eyes on and she knew it. That's the only reason I frowned at her, which resulted in her ruby red lips sinking deeper into a smirk.

 That's the only reason I frowned at her, which resulted in her ruby red lips sinking deeper into a smirk

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I yelped when she absentmindedly picked me up and carried me to the bed. For funsies, she plopped me on the bed before turning on her heel. I was about to command her to stay, but she turned around with water and Advil.

"Here." She handed me the stuff. I quickly downed the contents as she began explaining. "I read that humans often use this to cure them of a thing with their heads hurting or something like that. Apparently too much of certain substances can make it uncomfortable or something like that."

She trailed off as she glanced around the room. I don't know why she's acting like this is her first time in my room. She could see everything through my eyes. I think? Her eyes focused back on me, as if she could hear my internal thoughts. Then again, she can read my mind right? I know she said we couldn't, but bound souls c-

"Your aura is so haywire. Calm down. It's very distracting." She plopped onto her back. Why the hell is she in my bed?! She smirked at me. She really can read my mind. "No, I can't read your mind." I was about to contradict her, but she began speaking again. "I can feel your aura or "feelings," and they're really intense because you're so tense. I'm just making educated guesses as to what's going through that pretty mind, little human."

"First off, don't call me 'little human'." She merely rolled her eyes which I guess means that she's still going to refer to me with that title. "Secondly, off my bed." I tried to push her off, but it was like pushing against a brick wall. "Thirdly, how'd I get here?" I'm surprised that she actually is going to somewhat comply with me.

"I took you home after you blacked out."

"It was you who saved me, right?"

"Saved?" She uncomfortably shifted. "Isn't the word I'd used. I'd more say that I should be the only one who's allowed to make your life a misery."

"So you were jealous?" I sarcastically asked. I was expecting to hear her make a sarcastic comeback. What I didn't expect was for her to tense up. "I'm just kidding." I attempted to lighten the mood. "How'd you even get to me that fast? I didn't see you nearby."

"Like you knew what I looked like." She stared up at the ceiling. What she said was true, but she's not a face one would forget. Not when she looks like a goddess, but I'd never say that aloud. That makes me think... has she always been close to me, but kept herself hidden. "I admit that I've been trailing you. It was in both of our interests since I could keep the both of us safe."

"Why didn't you reveal yourself before?"

"Because I wanted to keep other forces at bay. I've also been neglecting my duties so I wanted to make sure no one knew I was here... with you." She paused. I thought she was done speaking until she muttered, "I also didn't know how'd you take to my appearance."

Her last comment caused me to laugh so hard. I felt an oncoming headache, but I didn't care. She sat up with a start and gave me an incredulous look.

"What's so funny?!" She demanded.

"You." I pointed at her through a fit of giggles. "You thought I wouldn't like the way you looked. Have you seen yourself?! You're more beautiful than a goddess." I didn't realize what I was saying until my true thoughts actually slipped. She smirked while my face heated up in embarrassment.

"More beautiful than a goddess?" She muttered as she lied back down. "That's a new one."

"I won't lie. I was expecting more horns and furrier." I gesticulated.

"You're into furries?" She raised a brow. I quickly shook my head causing her to laugh. Ugh! She's teasing me. "Well, you aren't entirely wrong." She sighed out.

"What do you mean?" She now had my full attention.

"I naturally do have horns, a tail, and wings. None of that other hairy and long nails crap that you drew." She rolled her eyes at the last part while I smirked. "I chose this form because I thought it'd be more... visually pleasing."

"So you have magic? Oh and I totally wanna see the horns and wings and tail. Is it like a cat's tail?" She rolled her eyes at me and attempted to leave the bed, but I grabbed her wrist and yanked her back down. I have a feeling that she could've easily broken my hold if she wanted to.

"All demons and... angels." She said the last word distastefully. "Have some sort of magic. My main ability is illusion manipulation. I'm also versed in telekinesis and pyrokinesis as well as some other stuff." She shrugged.

"That's so cool!" I shook her in excitement. "Now, you have to show me your true form." She sighed in annoyance, but stood up anyways. She took her jacket off and tossed it to the side, leaving her in a crop top. It was just then that I realized her navel was pierced. I felt a blush coat my cheeks and heat spread through my lower regions. I don't know why I'm feeling like this since I've never felt this way about a girl before.

She glanced down for a moment before meeting my eyes. Her irises had turned a magenta color. Black horns adorned her head. Her horns were about the size of my thumb, but her black wings were massive. They looked intricately designed and I yearned to trace my fingers over them. But what caught me, was the tail that laid idle on the floor. The end of it had an arrowhead shape. In a flash, she was back to her "human" form.

"Happy now, Kennedy?" I nodded my head yes which only caused her to chuckle. I really don't know why she's so insecure about her true form. I mean, no, she hasn't outright told me that she's insecure, but... I can feel it for some reason. I could feel her uneasiness as she showed me what she truly is. Actually, another question plagued my mind. A question that I've been asking from day one, but hadn't received an answer yet.

"What's your name?"

She turned around with a shit eating grin. She walked closer to me which prompted in me scooting farther from her. She crawled onto the bed and stopped a few inches from my face. She answered barely above a whisper. I had to strain my ears to hear the one syllable word.


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