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I have been been chatting with Tom for the past few weeks and Melissa has been very pleased to hear about this. I really think he is a nice guy.

Tomas has been surprisingly very open about himself. He is twenty two which make me three years older than him for all he knows. He moved here to South Africa about a month ago from Canada. He is a chef and has been lucky to score a job at a very high end restaurant.

In one of our late night conversations he has told me about his family history. He is an only child born in a family where the father was very abusive. He was eventually arrested and put to jail for attempted murder towards him mother. His mother then found an escape within drugs and was then declared unable to take care of her child. Tom was then put into the foster care system at thirteen. Today his mother is in a nursing home for help because she has Alzheimer's.

To this day he always reminds himself that he did not want to become his father. No only was his father abusive but also a cheater. He got another lady pregnant and tom has a half sister but oddly enough tom and her get along quite well.

Another night I felt compelled to tell him about my family history as well. I told him how I was placed by he doorstep of a couple with a note. My mothers name was Madison peach and was only fifteen when she had me. My father already had a wife and it was not my biological mother. My mother could not raise me by myself.

The couple who took me in were trying for children so they kept me anyway. They raised me and as I got older I realized that my mom did not like me at all but the man loved me like a father would love their child. I told him about my rebellion and the betrayal. I then ended story by saying that when I left for work I never went back.

We obviously had too much to drink when we were sharing some of the family history but I will admit that for me it was good to talk about them. These conversations were over text. As we spoke more we spoke on the phone and then we eventually started to face time each other.

He has suggested that we meet multiple times but I always came up with an excuse. I didn't want to meet him because that would mean taking another step to getting to know him. But after a push from Mel I have agreed to meet him. He was asking me on a date but I said we were just friends.

The Uber has arrived at the destination so I hop out of the car after I pay the driver. Today I have worn a striped blue and white paper bag trousers and a plain white tee. I have swapped my pumps for some black vans. I have just came from an interview and am now about to meet tom.

I walk into the place we agreed to meet at and take a look at the surrounding. This is a place where people come to do art and there a varieties things you can do. There is a painting station, a sketch area and a sculpting area where I see tom.

I walk towards him and he greets me with a smile. The greeting is a little awkward because we don't know what to do and i feel a little weird with having him in my space. Luckily the instructor arrived ready to teach us how to make our own sculpture.

We were just learning how to make a vase or bowl for today. After the demo and  instructions the instructor let us do as we please. Tom ease into and easy conversation as we begin out sculptures. After thirty minutes he has made a perfect bowl and I have made a perfectly smooth ball of clay which was supposed o be a vase.

"What have you got there?" Tom says as he sends a puzzle looked towards me which I laugh off.

"It was supposed to be a vase." I continue to laugh. I try again and this time i make a very deformed vase.

"Let me help you." He moves from his station and stands close to me. He asks for permission to invade my space with his eyes and I nod. The then pulls a seat and in no behind me. His arm comes from behind me and wets the clay. He starts the vase and then places my hand on it. He puts his hand over mine and out hands intertwine while we do the vase. I realize that we have just recreated a cheesy film moment but I can't help but smile as I enjoy watching the vase come to life.

After our sculptures have dried we begin to pain and decorate them. I mix a bunch of colors trying to find the shade I'm looking for and after a while I create it. I slather the pain all over my vase and then finish it off with glitter. I turn to see what tom has been up to expecting something terrible but instead a see him concentrate as he paints delicate flowers and patters all over his vase.

I discover that tom has a deep passion for art and that he can do many forms but prefers  painting and sketching the environment.

After the pain has dried we decide to wrap up so we can go. On the way out I playfully shove tom and he gently shove me back. I had very much enjoyed meeting up with tom.


Today I arrived early to work but today was a slow day so there was not much pressure to finish tasks. I have already finished the task I have due and they only needed to be completed for next week so I'll start the new project soon.

Mel was also early so I have been in her office while we waist as much time as we can before we actually have to work. I haven't been making time to talk to her and I feel a little guilty but I shouldn't really have friends in the first place.

In the past few weeks Mel has been going out on a dates with the man from her apartment building. She has ran a background check on him to see if there are any red flags and she found nothing. She explain she was explains that really likes him but has had terrible dating history; from married guys, to stoners and cheaters and criminals. Her dating history is surprisingly similar to mine.

I explain what happened at the meeting with Tom and how good it was to meet him. We have still continued talking over the past two weeks but it has subsided.

"He asked me to go with him and his friends to the West coast. Isn't that wild," I tell Mel and he freezes he act of running her hands through her hair.

"Excuse me?" She she questions seeming to not understand,"really"

"Yes," I affirm. She stays silent as she process what I have said and then smirks at me and I can practically see the wheels turning in her head.

"We should go." She replies after a long silence.

"We?" I ask for confirmation.

"Yes. You don't socialize with people enough so this is perfect. But we also need to remember the fact you've only known him for a few month... so imma be there to have your back and help you socialize. I don't wanna hear that the police found your body in the woods." She explains. That wouldn't be the worst thing to happen . I think in my head.

"A trip sounds like a thing you do with a boyfriend. The last time I was in a relationship he broke up with me for a man but not before telling me that I'm emotional unattached." Even though it sounded terrible, it wasn't that bad. Everything I said is true. The relationship was like dating a friend that you kissed and would share the same bed.

"Wow! That's...." he chuckles awkwardly.

"I don't wanna go."

"C'mon, just think about it."

"I'm not looking for anything serious."

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