The end of Anne

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"Where do you think you're going dressed like that?" Carren says looking me up and down in disgust. I admit my choice of a midthigh dark blue dress was a bit out there. The appropriate lengths would be below the knee. But Arnold like to see my legs

Rolling my eyes at her I reply,"I'm going to a party."

"I'm serious, you need to change. There is no way I'm letting you leave the house looking like that."

"Whatever." I say and then make my way to the door ready to leave.

"After everything I've done for you this is how you treat me. If you leave the house like that you better not come back," she says. I stop just before the door and turn to see a smirk on her face. I stomp past her to my room but I don't change, instead I take the bags I have packed ready to leave with all the things I need. I then leave my room and walk past carren, out the door and to my car where put my bags.

Carren has now moved to the front of the house watching me the smirk no longer on her face. I walk back to her.

"What are you doing," she asks.

"I'm leaving." She looks shocked when I say this "I don't want a speech about how ungrateful I am. I know Mark and you took me in when I was a baby but I know you regretted it. My existence annoys you and you make sure to show me that my whole 21 years. I'm tired of living everyday knowning that my 'mom' hates me. I know you've been wait for the day to leave this house. But I'll do a little better I'll leave your life. Be sure to give this letter to Mark." I finish my speech and head to my car.

"ANNE!" I hear Karen scream but nothing is going to stop me as I drive away. I just wish I could have given Mark a proper good bye.


I had arrived at the party a while ago. Everyone was buzzing, drinking with their friends and laughing. We are all just trying to relax and I need to relax after today.

I was in a corner with my friends while the reset of the people were standing in the middle. I sat on my boyfriend's lap while his hands were on my waist and my upper thigh. My best friend is right across from me talking to a boy. The room was getting full and the temperature with each person arriving was increasing.

"Arnold honey, can we please go outside. It's getting hot in the room." I ask

"Sure honey," he replies. We stand up and head outside to sit next to each other on the porch. He pulls we closer and brings me in for a deep French kiss. I place my hands on his shoulders and He places his hand on my knee and slowly travels up.

"Hold on, you're getting a little too excited," I say putting a stop to his roaming hands.

"C'mon Anne. Let's have a little fun,"he says. We have done it before but I didn't get much pleasure from it.

"Why don't we just sit and talk."

"Ok sure," he says. He told me about his day, how college lectures were long then he went to work and got his paycheck. He never asks me about how I like college or how my day is, today is no different, but I'm used to it. He talks about himself while taking me out to dinner. I sleep with him and I get flowers.

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