Alive as Savannah

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(Sophie turner with red hair as Savannah )


I awaken to face yet another day alive.

I sit up on my huge bed and look around my room. I'm really proud to say I live in a beautiful penthouse. I really spent a lot of time decorating it because what else are you supposed to do when you don't really have anyone to spend your time with.

I realize that today I am really tired. I'm not tired from parties or staying up late but for living for so long I don't know what to do with myself anymore, I've done a lot of things already.

I also realize that I've been sitting in bed for far too long and I am now running behind on my morning routine. I hop out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. Afterwards, with my hair in a bun and a towel around my body, I walk into my closet and pick and outfit for work.

Being alive for so many years I've lived through a lot of changes. They world has gone through wars but I've been running from people who suspect me for being unnatural or a witch.

Fashion for women has changed over the years. It started with a long and covered up dresses and then the dresses became shorter and more skin was revealed. Along with these changes there have been shoulder pads, women beginning to wear pants and crop tops. I've gone through all these trends. Today I settle on a dark grey metallic skirt and a sweater and heels

Hair and makeup has also changed. There has been only wear lipstick or only do the eyes to to wearing a lot of makeup or not. Hair has changed from outrageous updos, short hair, big hair, colourful hair and hair today which varies from each person.

I was born a ginger but I was teased about it so I died it blonde. Throughout out the many years alive I have dyed it blonde, brown, black and every shade of each. From all that color changing my hair was damaged so I had to I cut it off and now it has grown back longer than ever and I am embracing my red hair.

My everyday makeup includes; tinted moisturizer, lip gloss or lip stick and highlighter. I only wear a full face of makeup now and again. I used to wear a lot of makeup everyday but that routine grew tedious so I toned it down. So today I wore my everyday make up with a nude lipstick and put my hair in a bun pulling a few hairs out of the bun to frame my face.

I grab my bag and leave my room. I go into the kitchen to get the lunch I made myself for today but decide to not fix myself breakfast and instead go to a cafe for a quick breakfast.

When I get to the cafe I order a fruit and yogurt bowl and a cup of cappuccino to go. I get the food immediately but I have to wait for the coffee so I take a seat in the cafe. Within five minutes I've already finished my food but the coffee is still not ready. A lady who came after me has already gotten her outrageous coffee while I patiently wait for mine.

Ten minutes later I eventually get my coffee and then leave the cafe to make my way to work. I don't have much time left to get to work. I missed the bus and traffic will be too terrible for a taxi so I have to walk to work now.

Halfway through my route to work I feel a big drop of water land on my forehead. Five seconds later another on my hand and the drops turn from a drizzle to heavy rain in zero-point-five seconds. I run for cover under a nearby bus bench with a cover and in my haste to seek shelter I nearly collide with another person who had the same idea that I had.

I apologize profusely and hurriedly look in my bag for the umbrella that I know i have put in there.

"No worries, we're both just trying to escape the rain." I hear a man say and I look up to face him. I freeze with my hand on the umbrella I just found and realize He is a very handsome man with the bluest eyes I've ever seen in my life.

"My name is Thomas, my friends call me Tom." He say.

"Savannah," I rush out and then look away from him feeling awkward.

"That rain really came out of no where."

"It's raining cats and dogs.It normally doesn't rain here." I say laughing.

"I wouldn't know I'm new here." He says and laughs.

"That nice," I reply not really knowing of how to reply.

"Maybe you can show me around?" He suggests and now is when I turn to look back at him surprised.

"I-I don't really know this city well." I say and smile politely.


"I should get going. Don't need to be late for work." I say and take out my umbrella ready to open it and leave.

"Wait," he says and take out a notebook from his bag and writes something down then tears out the page and hands it to me."maybe we can meet again. See what the city is all about." I take the note and he walk out of the cover and into the rain that has weakened during our conversation.

I open my umbrella and walk to work and make it just on time. I work at one of the most successful media sites of South Africa that is also recognized globally. I am a journalist but my work is published under Fj because I do not need my name or face to be on records. I'm also and editor and co ordinator of the media house.

We publish about society, pop culture and issues and anything that need to be answered. And I am very good at my job.

After arriving at my office and beginning to work, a few minutes later I feel the paper I was handed this morning burn in my bag. I take it out and check what it was and on a clean white page a phone number is written on the paper in a very odd writing in a blue pen. I put it back in the bag and try my very best to focus on my work.

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