Why did it have to be me

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We left the airport shortly after arriving and are about to arrive at out destination. The actual destination is a few hours away from the airport but the drive has been pleasant even with my other two travelers.

I eventually agreed to go on the trip with Tom and his friends and we all have gotten a pretty good deal for all our travel and accommodation. Tom left on an earlier flight with his friends.

Earlier when I mentioned that we have arrived, I meant that it was Mel and I and also Sam- Mel's love interest. While planning the trip we somehow also invited Sam even though they had just began dating. We honestly don't know how it happened but we don't really mind but Mel is a bit nervous because they did just start being exclusive.

Sam was currently in the drivers seat and Mel and I were at the back. Even though it would seem that Mel didn't want to sit next to him she couldn't stop talking to him from her place at the back. I will admit that I think they are good together. I have just been listening to the music from the radio and mentally going though what we will all be doing this long weekend.

We eventually arrive at the hotel and we all immediately step out of the car for a stretch. We then check in at the reception and collect our individual keys before go to retrieve our bags.

The hotel is not fancy but it is decent. Mel I have planned to barely stay in the hotel and explore the place. Tom and his friends are at a hotel literally opposite to ours.

We have all agreed to go out to dinner to get to know one another and then we may go to a club to officially begin the weekend.

After settling into the room I change out of the sweats I wore to the airport and into a nice dress for the evening. I put on some make up and leave my hair down. I wear some flats and then leave the room to gather my group.

Mel seems to have dressed up; she wears a patterned two piece and finished it off with black strappy heels. Her make up is not to overdone and she has left her hair to its natural straight form. Her date also looks dressed up in a blue dress shirt and jeans. He also seemed to have tamed his hair.

The drive to the restaurant was way to quick for my liking because I needed more time to prepare myself. I was surprisingly nervous to meet Tom's friends. I wasn't sure how many there were or what they would be like. I knew they probably would be decent people but the nerves just refused to settle.

We walk into the restaurant and I observe the surroundings and notice the very relaxed atmosphere inside. The place is relatively full but the noice is controlled. I spot Tom and we walk over to their table with a waiter following us.

We all introduce ourselves and we take a seat around the table. The table immediately starts with friendly conversations and soon the waiter take our orders.

One of toms friends is a girl with purple hair cut into a long bob. She is actually very friendly and talkative although her appearance of colored hair and and many tattoos may repel most people.

The other friends has a full head of light brown curly hair and a very buff body. His proportions are a bit off but still quite attractive. Unlike the girl he is less talkative but still very attentive to the conversation.

The two of them are dating and have been for a while now. Another one of Tom's friends were supposed to join this trip but he had to cancel. They allowed us to join because they think trips are better with a bigger group.

As dinner draws to a close everyone has decided that we are indeed going to a club and I just go along with it.

When we eventually enter the club we realize that the place was packed. Mel tried to drag me to the dance floor but it was to packed that she left the idea. Instead we settled for a table in the club and order drinks. We have a mini party by our table.

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