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Aimee woke up bright and early to get the things that were packed into the car, which even means the things she uses for Youtube, she was kinda glad she was going to her hometown since she can put the things she doesn't want at her Granmas all she needs is her laptop, camera, and some clothes.

She packed everything in the car and close it again, she looked at Oliver who was sleeping peacefully even though he needed to get up and changed ready for a 6-hour car journey, so she walked round to his side of the bed and shake him so he would stir.

'Come on, you need to get ready to go' she said and he shot up confused, she had her keys in hand and her phone in her pocket 'where are our bags' he asked 'in the car packed, we're all waiting on you now, they all want to meet the people who made me' she said and got up again letting him be.

She walked down the stairs to the others who were waiting and she walked into the kitchen to grab her gum and monster, he finally made his way downstairs and everybody clapped.

Aimee hopped into the driver's seat and plugged her phone in for directions, they all set off and Oliver was sitting next to her, James and Tom were in the passenger seats and the others were in the other cars and they set off for their long-ass drive 'I'm coming home' Aimee whispered quietly while looking at a picture of her best friend when they were around 10.

They got halfway there and traffic was showing up, Aimee sighed because she wanted to make amends with her parent's apparently she now has another brother who is 10 this made her cry because she wasn't allowed to see him when he was growing up.

The traffic was moving again and they were steadily making their way to her hometown, she rang the other cars to fill in with them 'hey guys, just a heads up when we get there follow me' she said and hung up the call since they were only 10 minutes away from her families house.

She pulled in the drive and the others pulled up outside, Aimee hopped out of the car and looked through the windows to see if they were home, she pressed the doorbell a couple of times no answer, she rang her Granma, and apparently, they were all at the cricket club.

She hopped back in the car and they made their way there lucky there was enough space for 4 cars, they pulled into the car park and parked up.

When they got there they all got out of the cars and followed Aimee she could see them so she walked towards them with a smile and finally saw her new brother 'hi' she said and they all looked at her with a shocked expression 'who are these people' her mum asked looking at the rest behind her 'my castmates mum, they wanted to mee the people who made me' Aimee said trying to keep her smile together.

'You must be my brother' Aimee said kneeling aside from the 10-year-old 'my name is Chris' he said and a smile hit the girl's face 'nice to meet you Chris' Aimee said and stood up 'you already know me' oh this is going to be annoying.

'Mum I would like you to meet someone' Aimee said with a smile and Oliver stepped forward after messing around with his brother 'Oliver Phelps nice to meet you' he said giving his hand out for a handshake but her mum did not accept this.

'You can't at him Aimee too old for you' she said and Aimee was taken back and what she said 'Steph step down now' Aimee granma said 'out of all my life the only time you care is now when I'm in a relationship, where were you when I spent my birthdays alone in an apartment, where were you when I spent my Christmas's alone, you don't get to say what is right and wrong for me anymore, you have lost the position in my life, and mum I love him' Aimee said finally standing up to her mum.

'Aimee Holmes come back here young women' her mum shouted and everyone around them looked at her 'no' she said and walked through the group who followed her back to the car park, she got in the car and started to breakdown in the driver's seat.

'I'm going with you to New York, we can prove to the world that this is right' Oliver said taking her hand and Aimee looked at him through her tears and she nodded 'we got one more person to meet' she said and they drove out a few minute drives to her best friends house.

She parked up outside and knocked on the door 'Aimee' her best friend said and Aimee went in for a hug 'I've missed you, now where is your good looking bf with his twin' her friend said which made Aimee giggle 'in the car, we're going to the hotel, you want to come' Aimee asked and her friend's eyes went wide 'of course' she said and she locked the house.

They both walked to Aimee's car and she opened the passenger door 'Tom move up we have someone joining our car' Aimee said and he did let her friend join the car ride, they pulled out and went to the hotel.

'So Jess what's new in this place' Aimee asked her friend while turning the corner to see the hotel car park 'nothing much, but your ex's mum pissed that he's serving time' Jess said leaning forward to her friend.

They parked up and took the luggage out of the car 'but you finally with a decent person, well that new' Jess said with a smirk 'oh I'm going to kill you' Aimee said running after her friend and tackling her down to the ground 'say you surrender as old times' Aimee said on top of her friend 'fine I surrender' she said and they both got back up to get Aimee's luggage and made their way to the lobby.

They got to their rooms and Oliver and Aimee were sharing one, Oliver walked out of the room to let the two girls catch up and it was better 'nobody is supporting me and Oliver' Aimee said sitting on the bed 'well I support it, the videos you take and pictures and see genuine love in both of your eyes for the first time in ages there is a genuine smile' Jess said making Aimee giggle.

'Quick question though is that Tom guy single since I'm not doing that dating the whole other brother thing' Jess said with made Aimee laugh 'I'll find out for you, and how come you haven't found anyone yet, I know Blackpool has shit people but there must be someone decent in your life' Aimee said concerned for her friend 'there was but then he had to move, like your going to be away again' Jess said with a frown.

'I'll make you a deal, I get Tom to agree to take you on 1 date, only 1, and I'll take you somewhere for a week' Aimee said with a smile and Jess nodded 'there's my girl' Oliver said throwing a water bottle at Aimee which she caught and he gave her a kiss.

'I made a deal with her' Aimee said looking at Oliver then at Jess 'and what did she agree to' Oliver asked giving Aimee and kiss on the forehead 'you can't tell a soul, get Tom to agree to take her on 1 date and I'll hang with her for a full week' Aimee said taking a sip of her water 'he'll agree to that, he's next door, and I'm coming to see this' Oliver said and they both got up, to go to Tom's room.

'I need you to agree to something' Aimee said stepping into the room 'what does this entail' he said looking at the girl 'you need to take Jess on a date' Aimee said with a smile 'sure but where' he said and Aimee was taken back 'Weatherspoons' Aimee said looking at Tom 'like treat it like a real date, like a kiss at the end' Tom asked confused on what to do 'sure, but if you hurt her, I will hurt you' Aimee said walking out the room.

The two walked back in the room to see Jess getting herself ready to leave 'I need to go home, text me later' Jess said and left the room, Aimee text Tom to ask now.

Tom left the room and shouted Jessica's name 'yea' she said turning around like she didn't know what was going on 'would you like to go on a date with me' Tom asked and Jess walked forward to him 'yes I would like that' she said but looked at her phone 'oh yea shit' Tom said and pulled out his phone to put her number in 'there just sent you a text' he said and Jess looked up 'saved in contacts, text you later' Jess said then walked to leave the hotel.

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