I'm Back

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Aimee set up her camera and made sure it was on a timer so she could jump in.


'Hello welcome back to the channel... yea I'm back' she said and jumping in and falling on the floor 'many of you may be asking why have you gone for so long, well mate I can't tell, it's a secret' she said standing up again.

'Knowing me I'm going to name this video I'm back but it's chaotic' she said with laughter 'what's going on' Oliver said off-camera 'a youtube video, but I fell on the floor' she said and a smile hit Oliver's face 'you do realize you have a show tomorrow' he said and Aimee looked back at the camera with a weird face 'before I end this I promise to upload more but, if I'm in any other projects I will not upload anything just in case I spoil anything, I've been there before and I got into some trouble' she said with a laugh then looked back at the camera 'anyway I hope you guys are staying safe but anyway I'm back and I will see you soon' she said and signed out as she would normally do.

//End of Video//

'You need to get sleep for tomorrow' Oliver said while walking forward and Aimee was putting her things away so she could get to her pj's 'I know I was just making a video so I can edit it tomorrrow' Aimee said while getting change 'can I come with you tomorrow night, and stay backstage so you won't walk home alone' he asked seeing her jump in bed laying down to get comfortable so he decided to get ready as well so he won't wake her up.

'Yea you can come but can you stand annoying noises and videos being made when we have nothing to do' Aimee asked and looked at him 'yes, because I am the most annoying person ever and play the most annoying person ever' he said and got into bed 'you are not annoying, I am the expert of knowing what annoying is, the firstborn child in the family' she said making Oliver laugh pulling her in close.

'We shouldn't be hiding this' Aimee said with a sigh 'I know, but I don't want you to be hurt, we will tell the world one day' Oliver said calming the room down 'we will' Aimee said laying her head on his chest 'and this is why I love you' she added on and a smile crept on his face hearing those words because she barley uses them she is not a person to show loving emotions, but she does overwork herself.

Downstairs was different though 'where's your brother gone' Bonnie asked James and he looked around 'upstairs, probably not coming down though' he said with a smirk on his face and the others laughed 'they wouldn't while were here' Emma asked and they all looked at each other 'they could just be sleeping like if they were we could hear them, thin walls'Bonnie said and everyone cringed to think about it.

'Let's go see, I hear no noise and it could be cute' Emma spoke and the girls agreed and they all went up to Aimee's room where they were sleeping peacefully, the girls just stared and one of them took a photo of the sight they quickly left though as they saw something move they all agreed to go to bed since it was getting late and they needed sleep, they all thought why do the two of them go up so early though, it could just be to talk or just to think in silent's since they can be quite loud at times.

Golden Girl (Oliver Phelps)Where stories live. Discover now