1 - old friend

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Start  - December 2021
Finished - June of 2023

Quick note
This has being heavily edited.
No longer set in modern time, set in 1985

Don't argue about being scientifically incorrect because bitch, If William is allowed to come back, then anything is allowed to be possible.

Female reader
age - 17
Michael's age: 18.

For those who are new to my stories - Greetings, Welcome to a hell trip where I am a British idiot, spelling and grammar is poor - thanks brain. Oh, furthermore I write long chapters.

The cover of this story was made by me: see the full image on my Instagram - PurpleRocker
Any artwork I done for this story in this book will be found on my Instagram.

(Y/n) - your name
(F/n) - first name
(L/n) - last name

(M/n) - mam's name
(you can make up if don't have a mother or if you just rejected her from your life.)
(Father's name) - (you can make up if you don't have one or prefer not to have him in your life.) (or Tomas from not so perfect. Because why not.)

Name sakes
Mrs Emily - Beth
Chris/Evan - will be referred to as Michael's halfbrother.
Welcome to the story

- Flashback -

I rushed over to him, my large (colour) eyes glistening within the sunlight at him, a big childish grin and hands filled with a gift. I watched him smile innocently.

"Hi! (Y/n)." He waved at me, tickling me to the ground.

"Noooo, Mike!" I whined, laughing and squirming around like an idiot, feeling the grass and flowers softly brush against my tiny legs. I rolled around, slightly messing up the gift I made for him. I kicked him in the belly.

"Ouch! Meanie!" Mike whined. His arms were covered in bruises and his knees grazed from falling over on the pavement. Still slightly reddish with red paint appearing from it lightly? Why would he have red paint?

"You are a meanie!" I huffed, throwing my gift at him.

"A flower crown?" His eyebrow shifted up into the arch, looking at the flower crown.

"Mhm, my Mammy taught me how to make them. I made it for you."


"Friends give gifts!" I giggled, getting up. I held his hand, pointing to Mammy. She chatted to a woman.

"Thank you..." Tears fell from his deep bluish-green eyes. They were the most bluish eyes mixed with a tad of green you will ever see. Big round glossy eyes that only he could make. He was a teary child, always never without bruises and red marks, but I can always hug him better.

"Huh? Do you not like it?" I frowned, tearing up. He hugged me.

"I like it..." He sniffled, smiling. "Nobody made me one before. Thank you."

"Wanna go to the treehouse again?" I asked, holding his hand. The treehouse was out to hideout, but sometimes my mam and his mam have issues with each other and so it has an issue with our friendship.

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