9 - Michael's home problems

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-(y/n)'s POV -

Elizabeth was yapping on about something, we just mindlessly listened. She was talking about going to the park later. She seemed very excited and happy, hopping around us like a giddy little rabbit. But she wasn't that little. She was quite tall for being 13. She was probably 5'4, 5'5. For being a tall 13-year-old girl.

Michael rushed down, looking as if he had just woken up. "Elizabeth, stop annoying them." He picked her up, despite her height. She was quite slim, her pyjamas were baggy on her. Compared to Michael, she was much skinnier.

"I'm not being annoying." She giggled, hugging him.

"You are alive," Roselyn spoke up, leaning against the wall. "I thought you had died after hearing you ditched poor (Y/n)."

Michael looked at me with sadness in his eyes, knowing he fucked up. "Shit. I'm so sorry (y/n). I was very busy and got extremely exhausted. I took a nap and slept past the alarm I set for myself. I'm sorry." He said quickly, panicking. "I was fixing up the Elizabeth treehouse and it took a lot of energy and time to do."

"Yeah! It was so fun helping. I got to help and he bullied me with tickles." Elizabeth said. "He is such a meanie." She dramatically rested in his arms with her arm on her forehead.

I and Roselyn giggled, listening to Elizabeth dramatically tell us all about how Michael chased her around trying to tickle her and when he caught her, he tickled her to death but not really. She played dead, to get hugs from him. It worked. We couldn't help but aw at her.

"So dramatic." Michael rolled his eyes.

"Do you want me to fight him for you?" Roselyn jested.

"I can fight him myself." Elizabeth grinned. "I'm the only person who is strong enough to fight him because he's my brother and I'm allowed to bully my brother, not anyone else. Just me because he's an ass sometimes."

"No fighting me, I'm clearly stronger than you." Michael tipped her upside down, and then back up, she clung to him laughing.

"Clearly not if she's able to get you onto the ground." I pointed out, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah! I'm mega strong, you know." She gently playfully punched Michael's shoulder and giggled. "See. I could even take on daddy if he wasn't busy."

"Oh no, my arm. It seems to be broken. Oh wow, how can I ever carry and swing you around without it."

"You still have your other arm." She rubbed his arm better. "You aren't bleeding so you'll live." She grinned.

Michael sighed, smiling. "Elizabeth let me hang with my friends. Stop being a pain, before I tickle you to death." His hand attacked his belly, tickling her in his arms.

"No!" She squealed, wiggling around. She jumped out of his arms and dashed away. "Ah, no tickles!" She ran to her room.

"Sorry about that, how have you two been?" He asked with a bright smile, joy and that relaxed feeling came from him as if nothing could bother him.

"Alright. Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Fine, fine. It's all fine. woke up a few minutes ago, so I'm a bit tired but it's all fine." He smiled, walking with us to the kitchen.

Roselyn stayed quiet, avoiding eye contact with Michael.

"Did you two sleep well?"

"Maybe." I lied, I rather not worry him. "Your sister is so adorable, I'm jealous that you have an adorable friendship with her." I changed the topic, smiling in amazement.

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