26 - "If I die, who will you blame."

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My uncle, on my dad's side, picked me up from the hospital, due to my mother being at work. We spent the morning having lunch at a cafe and went shopping to cheer me up. He kept adding things to the trolly that I looked at. Stuff that I knew my mother wouldn't approve of me having, but he got them for me.

"What's wrong with your mother?"

"Stressed out, she has been like that since my dad's death. She blames herself for not doing better. Not working hard enough for treatment." I shrugged, going through the clothing section of the store, and the store wasn't even a cheap one. He was really spoiling me because I'm his brother's daughter. I still hesitated to get anything too expressive.

"Well, your mother completely lost it last night. She has gone to stay over with a friend to escape from the pain."

"She does that from time to time. Is that why you picked me up?" I looked down.

"Can't I see my little niece without reason?" He pulled me close to him, hugging me tightly before letting go. What a bad lair. I was so excited when I saw him, now I know he never came to see me and Fritz out because he wanted to. No, because my mother had nobody to pick me up.

"Never done in the past." I rolled my eyes. I understand that he was busy but he doesn't need to lie about wanting to see me or Fritz. He doesn't like my mother and never had. So it makes no sense why he would actively want to see me or Fritz.

"In the past, I was out of the country, you know I'm a very busy man, (y/n) and can never find time to drop by. But this time, since I was in the country, why not see my favourite Niece and nephew." He lied, smiling brightly. I thought he was cool and amazing but he wasn't really all of the stuff he was when I was a kid. I remember him telling me all these cool stories and I admired him for being so adventurous.

"Where's Fritz? Why aren't you treating Fritz to anything?" I asked.

"Well, because he can't."


"Because this is about you, and you getting out of the hospital. I don't really get to treat my nieces to a fun day out?" He ruffled my hair. "Your mother lost your brother." He looked away, saying under his breath.

"What!" I blinked.

"Is there anything else you want? Any shoes? Undergarments? jackets?" He asked, holding everything I wanted.

"Um..." overwhelmed, I tried to understand everything he just said. My mam lost Fritz! Her favourite child. No, he was joking, right? She could never lose him since she was so paranoid about that exact thing happening. She would never take any risks when it comes to keeping Fritz. "I don't want anything else, so let's go pay." I looked away, confused. Did I fuck up?

Once I got home, I saw the state of the living room. A complete mess.
The couch was a mess with a blanket hanging off it, pillows on the floor and an unknown stain on the couch. Nothing in the living room was clean. It was as if someone had a mental breakdown in the living room. Two wine bottles are on the coffee table close to the spilt glass of wine.

My uncle helped me put 4 bags of clothes into my bedroom, which was cleaned and rearranged with a new bed that was in the middle of the wall with a window above it. It was a fancy new double bed with a lot of pillows around it and a cosy blanket. On top of the blanket was a gift bag and presents with a note next to it.

One wall was a wardrobe, dresser and a larger mirror. As if I needed it and the others had all of a desk, a bookcase filled with my books, Random junk I kept, teddies on top and bottom, Music tapes with some of them being new.

I was amazed at how different my room was, with a new coat of paint and wallpaper on one wall that went beautifully with the matching room. It felt very grown-up-like, never mutual but calming. Not childish or very girly. Very mature and mutual, with the carpet and rug going perfectly with general colour themes.

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