13 - at the limits

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(Sorry for this being so long)

I woke up in a Doubt size bed, along with a thick blanket cuddled around me. The bedroom was small and the bed took up most of the space. Sun glimmered around, hitting dark blue wallpaper, posters hanging on the wall, and books, music tapes, and other junk on a shelf on the wall.

I got up, feeling dazed and confused. The room must be Alex's but where were they? And why was I in Alex's bed? I gathered much that I fell asleep at some point but why did they put me in Alex's bed? Where did they sleep? It ached to think about it or anything.

I left the room, feeling too weird staying in their for any longer, and headed down to the kitchen, where Roselyn and Alex were. They didn't seem okay, staying a distance apart eating bowls of cereal.

"What does this mean?" Alex asked, feeling frustrated with himself. "Listen, I'm sorry if I confused you. I don't know. But you have to communicate with me why you think that will solve anything."

"It means I need to find something to do with my life, Alex. I don't think I have any choice in what I can do. Can't get a job or get well-paying jobs." Roselyn complained, saddened by her issues. "I know nothing I do can't solve shit that I have to do. I massively fucked up and I paying the price of that but I want to at least live a comfortable life, where I don't rely on others but someone like a husband or I don't know a lady."

"What made you think all of this?" Alex stepped close to her, softly looking at her with caring eyes. "I know the last few months haven't been exactly the best, but it doesn't dictate who you are. You made mistakes. You have made up with (y/n) and tried your best to make her feel welcome into the group. That is good enough. The whole situation with Michael, you said your part and it's up to him whether or not he forgives you. You can't do much about that, but hopefully, he has the heart to see that you want to be done with shit and move on with your life. He should do the same." He confidently spoke to her, knowing what he was talking about with a warm smoothness to his morning voice.

Roselyn put down her bowl and looked at him with this lost look in her fiery eyes. "I feel lost on what I should do. I never have backup plans if my life goes downhill. I don't have anything."

"You have me, Max, and Michael. You have musical talent and a headstrong attitude. What more do you want?" He cupped her cheeks with his hands, holding her head to see his face. "You are beautiful and talented, use that as your advantage in life."

"You are the only one who enjoys my music." She crossed her arms looking away from him with a glimpse of desperation in her eyes.

"So sing and play for me, I would love to hear your gorgeous voice. I think Michael and Max could sweet-talk Anais to allow you to sing at her place." Alex gave her confidence with his words, looking deeply into her eyes.

It was almost as if they were about to kiss, Alex seemed to want to do that.

"Thanks, buddy." Roselyn playfully punched him softly in the chest and then gripped his hands off her face.

I walked in, not wanting to interrupt their moment.

"Just buddy?" Alex asked, raising a brow.

"Best buddy." She smiled proudly.

"Exactly, nothing more, nothing less." Alex patted her cheek, disregarding his previous feelings that were active before. He seemed happier now after she said the best buddy.

"Am I interrupting something?" I cleared my throat, seeing if everything was okay by walking to them.

"Yeah! Everything is fine!" Roselyn finished her breakfast and cleaned her face.

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