36 - birthday Gift

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Morning light up my clean room as Michael and I cuddled into each other, our legs entwined with each other. His closed but not asleep, just not wanting to see me. Each moment like this, I grew more embarrassed. We never, I could never to anything more than what we did with him, thought I wanted him to do the act with me, but we pushed pass the teasing, I couldn't ask and showed no interest wanting to go further than what we did.

"Happy birthday." Michael yawned, finally opening his eyes.

"Don't." I turned around, moving away from him, Knowing I disappointed myself for letting my feelings for him fog my judgement. I didn't want him to act like this was fine, as if we can embrace each other and I'll be fine with him. How could I do this to myself? Let myself give into my wants and needs.

"I'm sorry for getting carried away."

"Don't say sorry for something you know we both wanted." I had been missing him, missing going out to see him, missing the hugs and kisses. I enjoyed our night but I could never let myself to bass in knowing he was here for me. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

"I-" Michael sighed, turning to his side, wrapping his arms around, kissing my shoulder, before whispering. "What do you want me to do? It's your birthday and I want to spoil you."

I turned to face, him, looking into his eyes hopelessly, with my words stuck into my throat. I couldn't say what I wanted to say, fear of rejection. Fear that it might be too much. What if I back out? Was I allowed to back out if I don't enjoy it

Roselyn walked in my room with a tray of food, before stopping and covering her eyes. "Oh god, I'm so sorry!" She blushed, even if she has Michael and Me unclothed before, but I appreciated her modesty to cover her eyes. "I made breakfast, Max is down stares. I didn't think you two were doing it."

"We weren't doing anything, We just woke up." Michael covered me, holding me close to him. His chest was lush to look at, very well made and lovely to feel. Enjoyable to view. I ran my hand up his chest from his stomach, stopping gently on his shoulder. I placed kisses long his neck.

"Sure, I just made breakfast for (Y/n)." Roselyn put the tray on my dresser before walking out. "I'm sorry." She closed the door behind her, we heard panic all the to the Living room. "Holy fuck!" We heard her yell.

Michael pinned me down on the bed, kissing me passionately as I opened my legs for him to rest himself in between them. We rubbed against each other in a heated moment. Proud and free. I passionately kissed back, not letting him end our moments of love and passion.

Micheal pulled away from the kiss. "We might want to get ready soon, You don't want them to assume anything." 

"I don't care what they think. I just want to lie in bed with you, and not deal with the reality of life yet, so please continue holding me." I snuggled into him, not wanting to face reality until I was okay to do so. Even then, I messing around with someone they hid my brother's body. I don't know how to even being to understand my own actions.

"Take your time, you don't have to even leave this bed if you don't want to."

In the day, I finally got up and dressed. Michael walked downstairs with me, seeing Roselyn and Max sitting chatting on the couch with a lot of gifts on the table around a store-bought birthday cake. 

"Finally, you got up. We were worried." Roselyn said.

I sat down with Michael, shifting away from me and huffing at where he say.

"You can't serous be still upset with him?" Roselyn took offense to my behaviour. "What happened get you so upset."

"I hate him, I told I never wanted to see him again, I can't stop him if he wants to give gifts or treat me well, but will never chance the fact you both Hide my brother's body. You both purposefully caused this on yourselves. So don't be so fucking pissy because I don't forgive you or him. Deal with it."

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