3 - drinking

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We got to Michael's house. A nice medium size house with a nice porch and a lush green garden with a short fence around it. There was a stone pathway leading to the front door. Do they really take care of the garden? The grass seemed to be maintained well, the outside seemed to be well kept with not a blemish in sight. It was that perfect middle-class home you see in movies.

Entering through the front doors, the living room was a bit of a mess, toys and blankets strewn around the place. Beer bottles laying on the floor and cigarette buds on the coffee table, drawings on the wall and a dried bloody shirt. Who leaves a bloody shirt lying around? Who's shirt was it?

"Daddy didn't clean up..." Elizabeth, the little girl sitting on the couch said.

"That isn't his job to do." Michael cleaned the couch, kicking over a few beer bottles. "Evelyn normally cleans up. It is the only reason he keeps her around."

"She was over at mine the other day, started yelling at me for telling her that her issues were her own fault," I told Michael, keeping myself close to the front door. Easy access outside if anything goes wrong.

"Isn't that her job?" Elizabeth tilted her head. She didn't understand why Evelyn was around if it wasn't to clean up the messes that may or may not be her fault.

"Go to bed, I have friends over."

"Fine." She jumped up off the couch, dragging her feet along the floor and storming upstairs, announcing each step with a thunderous stomp.

"Alright! Boys, and our dearest ladies, time for the fun to begin." Alex exclaimed, clamping his hands to gain our attention.

Max settled the bags filled with bottles and cans on the table. The weight of them finally released pressure off his arms.

We all sat down around the coffee table. Roselyn resting in his lap, playing with his hair. Her legs shape tightly shown off by her fishnet stockings, as her skirt doesn't go that far down her thighs and was held up by several belts, where accessories loose around her hips. Just like the insane amount of necklaces dangling around her neck. Let's not begin with the accessories around her gloved hand and wrists. All of it seemed pointless but I can't say anything, I don't know how to dress my age.

I sat on a different couch with Alex, who was dancing where he sat. His excitement busted through him, making him jittery and bouncy.

"So." He clapped his hands. "Since we have a new person here, why don't we play, never have I ever allowed our new friend to understand us better."

"Fuck, you going to be targeting me," Roselyn whined.

"I'm not going to shame you in front of a stranger, I do that on a daily basis." Alex grinned. "10 fingers up, and only put them down if you have done them." He briefly said, showing up to 10 figures. "Drinking seem little to much at the start of the night. We better get to know our friend, before drinking."

Everyone show 10 fingers, making sure everyone in the group could see. I didn't know it was going to be embarrassing or shameful. I haven't done much and they didn't know me.

"Michael, you go first." Max chirped, grinning.

"Never have I ever thought Max's clone was hot." Both Alex and Roselyn put a finger down. They have 9 fingers left standing.

"She's just a female version of me. You won't fuck your best friend."

"But it's hot." Alex said. I giggled.

Roselyn cleared her throat. "Never have I ever done illegal drugs." Max put his fingers down. 9 fingers remaining for Max.

"Fuck, (y/n) still have ten. Fine." Max thought for a while. "Never have I ever been to a funeral." Michael put down a finger.

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