31 - the tape's location

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-Roselyn's POV

I was over at Michael's after receiving instructions on where and what I needed to do. Collect a tape that contains what we did and destroy it. I never agreed to do something so desperately in my life. It hurt my heart to know our idiotic actions were caught on tape for anyone to view and see if we didn't destroy all evidence of them. I didn't even know how this man got me into this mess in the first place. How that man riled me so much, and yet when I could simply leave, I found myself stuck in love with him. I still loved him, and it didn't matter how much I pretended and encouraged him to find love somewhere else in someone who wasn't me. No one is close to me. (Y/N) wasn't like me. She was very different and softer-edged. Less problematic life for him. I can love a guy without wanting anything but for them to have a good life.

I knocked on the door harshly, regardless of what Michael had told me. He said his father was busy working on his project somewhere else in town and hadn't been home.

I knocked on the door a few times before the door opened with an injured William, who really looked battered and bruised.

"Hello, sir, is Michael in? I left something here in his room, and I came to get it." His tired eyes fixed on me for a moment. "It's important, and I've just been stressing so much about leaving it."

"Michael hasn't been in for a while, but you know where his room is, but I doubt you'll find anything in it due to the mess." He shifted to the side to let me in, clearly not in the mood for commentary or small talk. He let me in, and I went right up to Michael's room, seeing how it hadn't changed one bit. Still a mess, still the way it always was. Underwear and socks were on the floor, with tops crammed into his drawers.

I began my search, moving stuff on his dresser, disguised by that old cigarette smell that lingered around his room. How can this man live in such a mess? A lazy bum could even at least pile up his dirty clothes. I checked up on his bed, finding no tape but nothing but a mess. I took money from his hidden savings jar.

"Hello!" Elizabeth peaked through the door with her usual cheerful smile. "What are you looking for?" She asked.

"My necklace that I left here."

"The one you left months ago?"

"Um, sure, yes. That one, have you seen it?" I got up from the floor and sat on Michael's bed, really disgusted by the mess. "This room really needs a cleaning. He would probably be in a much better mood if he didn't live in filth."

"Michael put it in a box under his bed to keep it away from me. I wanted to wear it for being a princess."

"Wanna help me clean his room?"

"I would, but it's going to cost you."

"20 dollars and ice cream."

"50, and I won't tell on you for stealing money from his savings."

"30 and a tube of ice cream plus a girl day out shopping."

"That but 50."

"Who do you think you are? I don't have 50 on me. 30 is my limit, kid."

"Payment over time with interest."

"Do you even know what that is?" Why was I bargaining with a little girl about payment? Plus interest. Who did she think she was?

"Yes, trust me to do it."

"Right, I babysit a disabled lady for a living. 200 per night. That doesn't cover the amount I owe my mother. So we can surely work out a deal. 30 now, next week 20, and next month when I pay, a girls trip."

"Fine. How do you even owe someone?" Elizabeth asked curiously.

"I'm helping pay off (y/n)'s medical bills. I gain money to lose it once it goes into the bank, man. 350 a month, I babysit Max's twin sister once or twice a month. However, I do get paid to help Max's clone get out of the house on a Friday when she knows her favourite person at the bars. It has to be Fridays because Tuesday is her practise walking day." I rambled on, loving Max's clone. She was a doll to deal with.

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