25 - forever missing

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Me, Max and Michael searched every end of the building, every nook and cranny, every small crevice that a tiny boy could shimmy into and even a single spot that we could think of. It wasn't as simple as screaming and yelling for the boy, no we heard nobody, others yelling and searching in every single area, even the corner that we searched. calling his name, checking each room that was accessible, some rooms were locked or jammed. From the boy's bathroom to the kitchen, to the end of the hallway and each room it allowed access. William's small cluttered office to Henry's small clean office. Storage cupboard filled with cleaning products, boxes of paper plates and paper cups, boxed up newly ordered toys, and I don't have the rest. Menus? Colourful posters and party hanger stuff. No fritz.

"(Y/n) will never trust us again." I opened my mouth, unable to contain the stress and anxiety that built up over time. Even fucking second that ticked by, I gained more worry and I wasn't related to this child, yet, I spent enough time with his mother and sister to care, to fear the worse.

"What if that's how it has to be?" Michael frowned looking down. "What if we can't find him? It must mean something that we can't. What if we can't have good friends?"

"Don't say that."

"Think about it. Bad shit happens, Roselyn! We caused her to have a screwdriver in the back of her throat and we lost her brother. I keep making her cry, making everything worse when I try to do anything nice. I don't make her happy and I don't think she's happy with me. now we both lost her brother. How do we recover from this?" Michael panicked, tearing up. Michael pulled me into a different room, trying not to cry under the pressure. The cramped room was dimly lit with a hanging shitty light that flickered once in a while. Our chests touched.

"What are we supposed to do? You fucked up my plans." Michael pressed his hand on my chest, pushing me into the door. The blame wasn't only for me, so why was I being fully blamed for this mess.

"Your plans? Oh right because you getting lucky with a woman, who is trauma by sex that your idea of a fun activity is sex under the stars. Why are you trying so much for this one? You never tried with us, why with her? Huh? Plus, I have been friends with (y/n)'s for a while, built up trust with her and now I broke that trust by losing her son! So my problem is much more than your fucking stupid date with a woman that doesn't fucking know about it. You are an idiot." I yelled, tearing up at the thought of losing everything. (Y/n) was my only female friend that I trusted and I enjoyed spending time with her mother. I told her things and knowing what happened today will destroy that friendship.

"I promised (y/n) that I'll protect her from harm and sadness. She seemed to not like promises. Look around you. She'll break. Her already frightened mind will crash or worse cases she decides life isn't worth living. I really like her, Roselyn, I really do and I want to continue seeing her smile, her good moments and spending time with her. I want the best for her. The past couple of months ever since we entered her life had been shit and that's our fault."

I gripped his cheeks, having them in my cupped hands and pulling him closer to me, so our foreheads touch. "We'll sort this out. If it goes south, we run away. We fucked someone's life over. I and you can go somewhere else, like how we used to plan." I said.

Michael touched my hand. "Run away and deal with you? No way."

"We'll work things out, right. Max and Alex don't need to know. Just a backup plan if the worst comes to light." I felt as if I lost my mind. I had nobody, so running away didn't matter. Nobody cares about Michael, so why was this plan wrong? Would it be so bad if we did? We had it planned out when we were together. Why was that different?

Michael sighed, gently looking down, having issues with the plan. "And look guilty? Whatever happens and I promise to be by your side but we aren't running away together. Those plans were just that. Plans. They meant nothing but a distraction from everything. I don't love you anymore, I don't want you and so running away as we planned would not be the best idea. We can't be good friends without fighting like children. Don't make things hurt." His words were gentle, tearing up.

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