33 - Mothers

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I looked around Michael's room, seeing how clean it was. Everything is reorganised in the way Roselyn likes things to be, albums nicely put in place in Alphabetical order of artists, his clothes neatly folded in his draws in colour coded. Nothing was out of place, other than the things on top of Micheal's dresser. Roselyn's wallet, house key to Alex's and Max's places, a list of things she had planned, and her bandana that was normally used to tie her hair up. These were all dumped carelessly on the dresser. Micheal didn't have them before and Roselyn, when Michael was with me.

I heard Michael and Elizabeth yelling downstairs.

"Where the fuck did you go?!" Micheal yelled, concern and worry in his voice.

"To a friend's house." Elizabeth huffed.

"Who said you could-"

"Who said you could act a cunt and be a bastard to everyone? If you can have friends and go out and have fun, then I am as well!"

When I heard them arguing, I went downstairs as quick as I could, stopping at the kitchen doorway, seeing Michael, blocking the backdoor as she tried to fight past him. She hit and kicked, pushed and dragged, she did all she could to get him out of the way. Yet might didn't move.

"You are 13 not 18. I'm not losing you because you want to fuck up your life with poor grades and fighting. Father grounded you. I'm not the one getting a beaten for letting you leave. It isn't worth being seen as a fuckup. Do better than me, Elizabeth. Please." Michael softly looked at her, caringly, seeing the tears threading down her cheeks. 

"I hate you so much! I wish you were dead!" Elizabeth sobbed.

"So do I, but we don't get what we want, So top acting out. It wouldn't do you any good, trust me, you don't want to end up like me. Sad, alone and hopeless. I get it, you're upset with me and father but you need to listen to me. You know I've done all the dumbest shit in the book and yet I got nothing, all the things I wanted father to be proud of me for, He binned them, crushed all my dream, destroyed me from the inside and out. I didn't get the attention I wanted, I once tried to make him proud by being well behave by and got the pushed to the side because you did something better than me. I was the mishap that father regrets, you are a failed attempt to being safe but father puts up with because you look like a mother but without the mental decay and sanity rot."

"You don't get it! It's more than being ignored or even not being good enough-"

"Get what? That you were always his princess, his one that he would talk about to henry always saying how good you and how wonderful you are. When anyone tries to say about things to him about me, he'll turn it around and sing you praise. He never done that for me. He was never gone, 'this is my brilliant son, Michael'. No, It has always been, 'Oh, My little girl Elizabeth is wonderful, well behaved and has these grades. She is flawless.' Ever since you where a baby, he song you praise as if you where a goddess. You where his perfect child. Whenever Father and Evelyn where fighting, we would always get into my room, and I was always there for you, to keep you safe. I was always jealous of you and of Evan. always hated how you both got special treatment but I was an idiot. I'm careless when afraid, I fucked my relationship with Roselyn because I was afraid. I feared the things others think were true. I feared to lose you and everyone I care about because I'm not good. I take the blame for everything because nobody else will, I always have. I always and will always take the blame of your actions just to keep you safe because I care about you. Father might not, but I do." Michael explained.

"You harmed dad, you took away Evan. You destroyed our family. Was it that bad that you took away dad's happiness, our family, my social life. I can't go to school without being shamed for being your sister because believes you are a murder, I can't deal with that. I'm only 13 and I can't do anything about anyone telling me I might be the same. I am not you. I don't want to be you, but at the same time, I hate they are saying about you, but if I try to stand up I end up in a fight, because they end up saying bad things about our family. Why did you destroy our lives for? Was it worth it?"

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