
17.2K 337 543

Hey guys! Here are the answers to some of the questions you asked! We added some of our own as well

1. What are your names?

Daniella is the author of Hostage. My name's Milena, and I'm the co-author and editor of Hostage.

2. What timezone do you live in?

Eastern Standard!

3. What state are you from?

Boston, Massachusetts!

4. Do you ship DNF?

Platonically ofc and/or the characters. I honestly miss c!dnf.

5. Who are your comfort streamers?

Daniella: Dream or Wilbur

Milena: Quackity

6. How long does it take to write these stories?

Honestly, not very long. We started writing about 2 weeks ago and put the story on Wattpad shortly after. We've been writing and editing every day since then!

7. What inspired you to write "Hostage"?

I can't speak for Daniella (the author), but I think it was just the idea of having our own story and outlet to express our creativity. It was actually my idea to put it on Wattpad. Let's please document this, it's rare that I have a good idea. We seriously didn't expect "Hostage" to blow up so much, but we're so grateful that it did!

8. How many chapters will be in "Hostage?"

We're not quite sure yet, but you can expect more for sure! There might be another story in the future though 👀

On that note, we'll leave the mystery up to you guys. If you have any more questions, please comment them down below! Btw, we hit 1k votes! Thank you all so much for the support, y'all are amazing.

Hostage (dwt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now